FIX: Display Names May Be Deleted When You Create a New Display Name (811354)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Commerce Server 2002
SYMPTOMSWhen you create display names for catalog product properties, the display names may be deleted. If this problem occurs, all display names for the language where you created the new display name are removed from the database.RESOLUTIONTo resolve this problem, change the edit_PropertyDefinition.asp file. To do this, follow these steps: - Locate the following file in the folder that contains your Business Desk Web site:
\Catalogs\Designer\edit_PropertyDefinition.asp - Locate the line of code that includes the following:
Function AddMultilingualAttributes - Replace the function AddMultilingualAttributes with the following code:
Function AddMultilingualAttributes (ByRef g_sXMLData, ByRef sAttributeBaseName, _
ByRef sFormName)
Dim xmlDoc, root, record
Dim sAttributeName, sState
Dim sLang, sLangNode, sPrevLang, sPrevLangNode
sLangNode = sFormName & "_lang"
sPrevLangNode = sFormName & "_prev_lang"
Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.LoadXML (g_sXMLData)
Set root = xmlDoc.documentElement
On Error Resume Next
if not root is nothing then
For Each record In root.selectNodes("//record[(@state = 'new') $or$ (@state = 'changed')]")
sState = record.getAttribute("state")
sLang = sCultureName (record.selectSingleNode(sLangNode).text, g_xmlLanguages)
sAttributeName = sAttributeBaseName & "_" & sLang
If (sState = "changed") Then
sPrevLang = record.selectSingleNode (sPrevLangNode).text
' Notice the following line:
If (UCASE(sPrevLang) <> UCASE(sLang) Then
g_oCatMgr.RemovePropertyAttribute sAttributeBaseName & "_" & sPrevLang
End If
End If
g_oCatMgr.AddPropertyAttribute sAttributeName, STRING_TYPE, 128
' If the property attribute already exists, ignore the error.
If (Err.Number = &h8898010F) Then Err.Clear
Set g_rsAttributes = Nothing
end if
Set AddMultilingualAttributes = root
End Function - Save the modified file, and then restart Business Desk.
has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed
at the beginning of this article.
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 8/11/2003 |
Keywords: | kbfix kbbug KB811354 kbAudDeveloper |