To view the event messages, follow these steps:
- Open the event viewer.
- Click Application.
Application log event messages are on the right
Note Message Queuing instance replaces %<
number> with a specific value.
Error Event Messages
Message Queuing logs the following event ID messages in the application
Event ID: 2000
Event Type:
Description: Unable to obtain the value for %1 in the local Windows
registry. Event ID: 2001
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to connect to the Message Queue
Information Service (MQIS) database in call %1.The status is %2.
Event ID: 2002
Event Type:
Description: A packet with invalid version was
received.Event ID:
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to accept the connection on
the socket.Event ID: 2004
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to duplicate outgoing message
handles.Event ID: 2005
Type: Error
Description: The maximum number of run time processes has been
exceeded.Event ID:
Event Type: Error
Description: This computer has at least one
out-routing server, but does not share a connected network with any one of
them.Event ID: 2007
Type: Error
Description: This computer is an in-routing server for
destination computer %1, but does not share a connected network with
it.Event ID: 2008
Type: Error
Description: Unable to route messages because the connected
network topology in the site is not connected.Event ID: 2009
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
route messages because the source computer could not connect to the destination
computer, and the source computer does not share a connected network with any
Message Queuing server in the source site.Event ID: 2010
Event Type: Error
Description: Cannot
route to remote site %1 because it cannot be reached using site
links.Event ID: 2011
Event Type:
Description: Unable to route messages because the source site does
not share a connected network with its neighboring site %1.Event ID: 2012
Event Type:
Description: Unable to route messages because neighboring site %1
does not contain any Message Queuing routing servers.Event ID: 2013
Event Type:
Description: Unable to route messages because this computer is a site
gate, but it does not share a connected network with neighboring site
%1.Event ID: 2014
Type: Error
Description: Unable to route messages because destination site
%1 is unknown. This site may have been created recently and the update has not
yet been replicated in Active Directory.Event ID: 2015
Event Type:
Description: There is an inconsistency between the Queue Manager ID
that is stored in Active Directory and that is stored in the local Windows
registry.Event ID:
Event Type: Error
Description: The Message Queuing service is
already running.Event ID: 2017
Type: Error
Description: Unable to initialize the Message Queuing
service.Event ID: 2018
Type: Error
Description: Unable to initialize the socket
layer.Event ID: 2019
Type: Error
Description: Unable to initialize the MSMQ persistent
store.Event ID: 2020
Type: Error
Description: Unable to initialize the administration
queue.Event ID: 2021
Type: Error
Description: Unable to obtain computer information from Active
Directory.Event ID:
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to initialize
routing.Event ID: 2023
Type: Error
Description: Unable to initialize recovery.Event ID: 2024
Event Type:
Description: Unable to initialize the MQIS. There is an inconsistency
between the computer network address stored in MQIS and the actual network
address.Event ID: 2030
Type: Error
Description: Unable to send replication data to neighbor
%1.Event ID: 2031
Type: Error
Description: Unable to send a synchronization request to master
%1.Event ID: 2032
Type: Error
Description: Unable to perform purge operations up to sequence
number %1 because primary site controller %2 has not sent an acknowledgement
message. Check for network connectivity with the primary site controller. The
last acknowledgement message sent was at sequence number %3.Event ID: 2035
Event Type:
Description: An MQIS initialization error occurred.Event ID: 2036
Event Type: Error
Description: An MQIS database initialization error
occurred.Event ID:
Event Type: Error
Description: Internal error in function:
%1.Event ID: 2046
Type: Error
Description: Exception %1 has occurred in function
%2.Event ID: 2047
Type: Error
Description: Unable to connect to the Distributed Transaction
Coordinator. Consequently, transactions cannot be supported.Event ID: 2048
Event Type:
Description: The server cannot support automatic recognition of site
and connected networks for clients.Event ID: 2049
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
initialize the MQIS library.Event ID: 2050
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
initialize remote access service monitoring.Event ID: 2051
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
initialize the notification queue.Event ID: 2052
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
initialize the ordering queue.Event ID: 2053
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
initialize the incoming sequences hash table.Event ID: 2054
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
initialize the outgoing sequences hash table.Event ID: 2055
Event Type: Error
Description: Unable to
initialize the incoming connections computer database.Event ID: 2056
Description: Unable to obtain
the Cryptographic Service Provider verification context. Consequently, the
Message Queuing service will not be able to validate message
signatures.Event ID:
Description: Unable to create the access token for the Guest account.
Consequently, the Message Queuing service may not be able to support RPC calls
from local users and from Windows NT 4.0 computers.Event ID: 2059
Description: Unable to use the
RPC service with the TCP/IP and IPX protocols. Consequently, the Message
Queuing service cannot communicate with other computers.Event ID: 2061
Description: Unable to use the local RPC
service. Consequently, the Message Queuing service cannot communicate with
local Message Queuing applications.Event ID: 2064
Description: Unable to initialize the
transaction file.Event ID:
Description: Unable to initialize the flusher.Event ID: 2066
Description: Unable to recover
the transactions.Event ID:
Description: The list of Message Queuing capable domain controllers in
the Windows registry is empty.Event ID:
Description: The Beta 2 version of Message Queuing began after the
current date. The service could not be started. Please contact Microsoft for
more information about this product. Event ID: 2073
Description: The Beta 2 version of Message
Queuing expired on October 15, 1997. The service could not be started. Please
contact Microsoft for more information about this product.Event ID: 2075
Description: Unable to locate %1
ordered messages destined to computer %2 from computer %3. To resume delivery
of the transactional messages, on source computer %3, run the following
command: "%4".Event ID: 2076
Unable to initialize the logger.Event ID: 2077
Description: Unable to save %1 for the
checkpoint. Message Queuing cannot operate reliably without the
checkpoint.Event ID:
Description: Unable to recover %1 for the
checkpoint.Event ID:
Description: The returned value from the MQIS was unable to be
authenticated. This may be caused by an unauthorized attempt to tamper with the
returned values from the MQIS.Event ID: 2083
Description: Unable to recover the
persistence packet file %1 and the log file %2. (Error %3).Event ID: 2084
Description: The required
computer object was not found in Active Directory. As a result, the Message
Queuing Service started, but in offline mode. This means that applications may
access local queues, create private queues or send messages to other machines
using the DIRECT format name, but not access any Directory Service
functionality, such as creating, locating or creating public queues. This can
result from:
1. Message Queuing 1.0/NT4 only: the name of the computer was
changed after Message Queuing was installed. In this case, first uninstall
Message Queuing and then reinstall it.
2. Active Directory
replication latency: some information written on one of the domain controllers
by Message Queuing installation has not replicated yet to a local domain
controller used by the Message Queuing Service. Another source of change which
needs to replicate is when changing the machine's name after Message Queuing
was installed. Until replication takes place, Message Queuing will remain in
offline mode. Notice that replication delays may be high, depending on your
Active Directory configuration. Please contact a domain administrator if this
problem persists.Event ID:
Description: Unable to create message file %1. There is insufficient
disk space or memory.Event ID:
Description: Unable to perform a Write operation (error
%1).Event ID:
Description: The Queue Manager was unable to configure the
transactional mode.Event ID:
Description: The Message Queuing Replication service was unable to
open private queue %1 (error %2). The service was not
started.Event ID:
Description: Unable to perform a log operation (error
%1!x!).Event ID:
Description: Queue %1 was deleted from Windows 2000 Active Directory.
Queue %1 was deleted from Active Directory. Since the queue is currently owned
by an Message Queuing 1.0 Primary Site Controller, you must manually delete the queue from
the Message Queuing 1.0 site (use Message Queuing Explorer running on one of the site's
controllers).Event ID:
Description: Unable to create the Message Queuing
directory.Event ID:
Description: Unable to read Message Queuing registry values (probably
registry corruption).Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing was unable to create the Message Queuing (also known
as MSMQ Configuration) object in Active Directory. Hresult-
%1.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing was unable to load the mqupgrd.dll
library, Err- %1.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing was unable to find the address of
MqCreateMsmqObj in mqupgrd.dll, Err- %1.Event ID: 2119
Description: Unable to complete
Message Queuing Setup.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing service was unable to obtain properties
of the Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ Configuration) object from Active Directory.
Hresult- %1. This may be caused by Active Directory replication delay. Please
wait several minutes and then restart the Message Queuing
service.Event ID:
Description: Unable to complete Message Queuing Setup. Hresult-
%1.Event ID:
Description: This domain controller is not trusted for delegation.
Therefore, the Message Queuing server cannot run. See Windows 2000 online help
for information on how to enable the "this computer is trusted for delegation"
property.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing was unable to join the local Windows 2000
domain. Hresult- %1.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing cannot automatically move between domains
(%1). You must either run the MoveTree utility or first uninstall Message
Queuing and then reinstall it in the new domain.Event ID: 2128
Description: Unable to create the Message Queuing (also
known as the MSMQ Configuration) object in Active Directory with the predefined
object GUID. You must uninstall Message Queuing and then reinstall it.
Event ID: 2136
Unable to update Message Queuing functionality flag in Active
Directory.Event ID:
Description: Unable to find Message Queuing server. Message Queuing on
this computer will be offline. See Windows 2000 online help for
details.Event ID:
Description: Unable to set properties of queue '%1'. Copying queue
file '%2' to temporary file '%3' returned error %4.Event ID: 2142
Description: Unable to set
properties of queue '%1'. Replacing the queue file '%3' with the temporary file
'%2' returned error %4.Event ID:
Description: MS DTC failed. Message Queuing service cannot continue.
Please restart MSDTC and Message Queuing.Event ID: 2145
Description: The computer object for this
computer was not found in Active Directory. This could be caused by Active
Directory replication delays.
Warning Event Messages
Event ID:
Description: There was an inconsistency between the computer network
address stored in Active Directory and the actual network address. Active
Directory has been updated to match the actual network
address.Event ID:
Description: At least one IP address used by this computer is not
registered in Active Directory.Event ID: 2027
Description: At least one IPX address used by
this computer is not registered in Active Directory.Event ID: 2029
Description: The specified
acknowledge timeout is invalid. The acknowledge timeout is greater than the
cleanup timeout. The acknowledge timeout is set to %1
milliseconds.Event ID: 2033
Description: An
acknowledgement message has not been received from backup site controller %1
for a few days. Verify the status and the network connectivity for the backup
site controller.Event ID:
Description: The MQIS database has reached %1 percent of its total
capacity. You may want to consider increasing your disk
capacity.Event ID:
Description: Unable to restore the persistent packet. Consequently,
queue: %1 could not be located.Event ID: 2044
Description: The Message Queuing service has
insufficient privileges to create audit log messages.Event ID: 2057
Description: Unable to obtain
the Queue Manager keyset context. Consequently, the Message Queuing service
will not be able to encrypt and decrypt messages.Event ID: 2063
Description: Unable to
successfully complete initialization of the Queue Manager. Message Queuing may
function in an unpredictable fashion. Event ID: 2070
Description: This computer is low on memory.
The Message Queuing Service is switching to "low memory" mode of
operation.Event ID:
Description: The Beta 2 version of Message Queuing expires on October
15, 1997. Please contact Microsoft for more information about this
product.Event ID:
Description: This computer may not be able to support Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 95, or Windows 98 clients. To fix this problem, the user running the
Message Queuing Service must be granted the following user privileges: "Act as
part of the operating system", "Replace a process level token" and "Increase
quotas".Event ID:
Description: The Client Access License (CAL) limit has been reached.
This server is unable to serve more clients. This may lead to messaging
performance degradation. See the Windows documentation for information on how
to increase your client license limit.Event ID: 2088
Description: The limit client connection
limit has been reached. This server is unable to serve more clients. This may
lead to messaging performance degradation.Event ID: 2123
Description: The Message Queuing server
cannot determine if the local domain controller is trusted for delegation. This
may indicate a severe error. For more information, see Windows 2000 online
Help. Event ID:
Description: Unable to use cryptography on this computer. Verify that
the "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider" is properly installed and machine
keys for Message Queuing were created. You may need to renew the cryptographic
keys.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing has detected a problem with the local
domain controller. Until the problem is resolved, Message Queuing will function
unpredictably. Using Event Viewer, inspect the Directory Service, File
Replication Service, and System Logs to help identify the
problem.Event ID:
Description: This server was unable to resolve IP addresses of other
routing servers. Please check that all computers are registered in
DNS.Event ID:
Description: There is an inconsistency between the actual network
addresses and the addresses that are listed on other Message Queuing servers
for this computer. If this computer belongs to a Message Queuing 1.0 site, you should use
Message Queuing Explorer on the local primary site controller (PSC) to manually update the
addresses listed for this computer.
Information Event Messages
Event ID:
Description: Initialization has successfully
completed.Event ID:
Description: Backup site controller %1 was removed from the
site.Event ID:
Description: The Site controlled by primary site controller %1 was
removed.Event ID:
Description: A new site, controlled by primary site controller %1, was
added.Event ID:
Description: A primary site controller was replaced (from %1 to
%2).Event ID:
Description: A primary enterprise controller was replaced (from
computer %1 to computer %2).Event ID: 2042
Description: A new backup site controller
(%1) was added.Even ID:
Description: The Message Queuing service is online and fully
operational.Event ID:
Description: Offline initialization completed
successfully.Even ID:
Description: This computer has sufficient free memory. The Message
Queuing Service is returning to normal mode of operation.Even ID: 2080
Description: Write operations to
the MQIS controller server have been temporarily disabled. The MQIS is in
maintenance mode while another MQIS server is installed. Even ID: 2081
Description: Write operations to
the MQIS controller server have been enabled again.Even ID: 2086
Description: The message file %1
was successfully created.Event
ID: 2125
Description: Message Queuing successfully joined the local Windows
2000 domain.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing left the local Windows 2000 domain and it
is now operating in workgroup mode.Event ID: 2133
Description: The last Message Queuing1.0 controller
server has been upgraded to Windows 2000. The Message Queuing Replication
Service has been stopped and removed.Event ID: 2134
Description: Message Queuing successfully
moved to domain '%1'.Event ID:
Description: The computer belongs to domain '%1'. It is recommended
that you use the MoveTree utility and move the Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ
Configuration) object of this computer from its previous domain '%2' to the
current domain.Event ID:
Description: Unable to update Message Queuing functionality flag in
Active Directory. Event ID:
Description: Unable to find Message Queuing server. Message Queuing on
this computer will be offline. See Windows 2000 online help for
details.Event ID:
Description: Unable to use cryptography on this computer. Verify that
the "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider" is properly installed and machine
keys for Message Queuing were created. You may need to renew the cryptographic
keys.Event ID:
Description: Message Queuing has detected a problem with the local
domain controller. Until the problem is resolved, Message Queuing will function
unpredictably. Using Event Viewer, inspect the Directory Service, File
Replication Service, and System Logs to help identify the
problem.Event ID:
Description: This server was unable to resolve IP addresses of other
routing servers. Please check that all computers are registered in
DNS.Event ID:
Description: Unable to set properties of queue '%1'. Copying queue
file '%2' to temporary file '%3' returned error %4. Event ID: 2142
Description: Unable to set
properties of queue '%1'. Replacing the queue file '%3' with the temporary file
'%2' returned error %4.Event ID:
Description: MS DTC failed. Message Queuing service cannot continue.
Please restart MSDTC and Message Queuing.Event ID: 2144
Description: There is an inconsistency
between the actual network addresses and the addresses that are listed on other
Message Queuing servers for this computer. If this computer belongs to a Message Queuing
1.0 site, you should use Message Queuing Explorer on the local primary site controller
(PSC) to manually update the addresses listed for this
computer.Event ID:
Description: The computer object for this computer was not found in
Active Directory. This could be caused by Active Directory replication