You receive a "System.OutOfMemoryException" error message when you try to use the Bitmap.FromFile method in the .NET Framework 1.0 (810109)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Professional Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Enterprise Architect Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Enterprise Developer Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002), Academic Edition


When you try to load an image by using the Bitmap.FromFile method in the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0, you receive the following error message:
An unhandle exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' occurred in system.drawing.dll


This problem may occur when you use the Bitmap.FromFile method and one of the following conditions is true:
  • The image file is corrupted.
  • The image file is incomplete.

    Note You may experience this problem if your application is trying to use the Bitmap.FromFile method on a file stream that is not finished writing to a file.
  • The image file does not have a valid image format or GDI+ does not support the pixel format of the file.
  • The program does not have permissions to access the image file.
  • The BackgroundImage propery is set directly from the Bitmap.FromFile method.


To work around this problem, use the following guidelines when you load images by using the Bitmap.FromFile method:
  • Make sure that the image file is not corrupted by opening the image file in another program.
  • Make sure that the image file is complete and that all writing to the image file is completed before you try to load the image file.
  • Make sure that the image file type is a supported image format. For more information about image formats, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:
  • Examine the permissions of the image file to make sure that the program can access the image file.
  • When you set the BackgroundImage property of a form, use the following example code to set the BackgroundImage property:
    Bitmap bmp=(Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"Pictures\MyImage.jpg"); 
    this.BackgroundImage=new Bitmap(bmp,bmp.Size);
Note When you try to load an image from a file, you can catch the exception and then report the error. For example, the following Microsoft Visual Basic .NET code tries to load an image from a file:
  PictureBox1.Image = Bitmap.From("c:\Badimage.gif")
Catch ex As Exception
  MessageBox.Show("Error loading file","Error")
End Try


This behavior is by design.


For more information about the Bitmap class, visit the following MSDN Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:1/7/2005
Keywords:kbGDIPlus kbtshoot kbprb KB810109 kbAudDeveloper