In Word, you can create a multiple-section document with different page
numbering in each section. To specify a page or a range of pages to print,
you must supply both the page and section number of the range you want to
print. In a multiple-section document that contains more than a single page
1, Word cannot determine which "page 1" to print unless you also supply a
section number.
To print a range of pages within a nonadjacent section or across sections,
use the following syntax in the Pages box:
p<page number>s<section number>-p<page number>s<section number>
For example, to print page 5 of section 3 through page 2 of section 4,
type "p5s3-p2s4" (without the quotation marks).
To print nonadjacent pages or nonadjacent sections, type the page and
section numbers, separated by commas (,). For example, to print
sections 3 and 5 (not section 4), type "s3,s5" (without the quotation
marks). To print pages 2 through 5 of section 3 and pages 1 through 4
of section 5, type "p2s3-p5s3,p1s5-p4s5" (without the quotation marks).
For more information, choose the Help button in the Print dialog box
and then select the "Setting Printing Options" topic.