The Hayes Smartmodem 9600 comes from the factory with error checking on by
default (AT&Q5). Error checking must be disabled for the Hayes Smartmodem
9600 to work correctly with the MSMail Dial-In Control Panel device.
To disable error checking permanently for Dial-In use, issue the following
commands, using a communications program such as DynaComm, or any other
communications program that will echo back entered modem commands. (NOTE:
You CANNOT use the Dial-In program to perform this action.)
AT&Q0 (Write back to ACTIVE PROFILE)
AT&W0 (Write back to STORED PROFILE 0)
AT&W1 (Write back to STORED PROFILE 1)
The &W command writes the change back to the modem, and saves it in non-
volatile RAM for all future Dial-In modem sessions. The modem also has two
default profiles, numbered 0 and 1, that can be called up for use.
The W0 command writes the change back to stored profile 0. The W1 command
writes back to stored profile 1. By writing back to both stored profiles,
this ensures that no problems will arise if another profile is used for
data transfer.
The OKs are the result of typing in each of the above AT commands. If an
error message is returned after issuing any of the above commands, there
may be a problem with the modem, and you should contact Hayes Technical
The Hayes SmartModem is manufactured by Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.,
and DynaComm is manufactured by Future Soft Engineering, Inc., vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.