The ReadArray and WriteArray functions provided below allow you to
read and write a Visual Basic for Windows array to or from a disk file.
These functions will work with arrays of Integers, Longs, Singles,
Doubles, Currency, and user-defined types, but not with
variable-length strings (as an array or as a member of a user-defined
type) or variants. These functions can work with fixed length strings
when the strings are a member of a user-defined type. Arrays greater
than 64K are supported in Visual Basic versions 2.0 and later for
Windows, however the _lread and _lwrite functions can only handle
arrays up to 64K. Arrays greater than 64K can be written to disk using
the standard I/O statements built into Visual Basic for Windows.
The two functions, ReadArray and WriteArray, require two parameters:
the array to be transferred, and the Visual Basic for Windows file
number to be written to or read from. The functions also return the
number of bytes transferred, or -1 when an error occurs with the API
function. The file number is the Visual Basic for Windows file number
of a file that has already been opened with the Open statement, and
will be used in the Visual Basic for Windows Close statement.
The following function examples use a user-defined type named "Mytype".
An example of this type is as follows:
Type MyType
Field1 As String * 10
Field2 As Integer
Field3 As Long
Field4 As Single
Field5 As Double
Field6 As Currency
End Type
Declarations of API Functions
DefInt A-Z
' Each Declare statement must appear on one line:
Declare Function fWrite Lib "kernel" Alias "_lwrite" (ByVal hFile,
lpBuff As Any, ByVal wBytes)
Declare Function fRead Lib "kernel" Alias "_lread" (ByVal hFile,
lpBuff As Any, ByVal wBytes)
Function: ReadArray
Function ReadArray (An_Array() As MyType, VBFileNumber As Integer) As Long
Dim ApiErr As Integer
Dim ArraySize As Long
Dim DOSFileHandle As Integer
Dim ReadFromDisk As Integer
ArraySize = Abs(UBound(An_Array) - LBound(An_Array)) + 1
ArraySize = ArraySize * Len(An_Array(LBound(An_Array)))
If ArraySize > 32767 Then
ReadFromDisk = ArraySize - 2 ^ 15
ReadFromDisk = ReadFromDisk * -1
ReadFromDisk = ArraySize
End If
DOSFileHandle = FileAttr(VBFileNumber, 2)
ReadArray = ApiErr
End Function
Function: WriteArray
Function WriteArray (An_Array() As MyType, VBFileNumber As Integer) As Long
Dim ApiErr As Integer
Dim ArraySize As Long
Dim DOSFileHandle As Integer
Dim WriteToDisk As Integer
ArraySize = UBound(An_Array) - LBound(An_Array) + 1
ArraySize = ArraySize * Len(An_Array(LBound(An_Array)))
If ArraySize > 32767 Then
WriteToDisk = ArraySize - 2 ^ 15
WriteToDisk = WriteToDisk * -1
WriteToDisk = ArraySize
End If
DOSFileHandle = FileAttr(VBFileNumber, 2)
WriteArray = ApiErr
End Function
The following are the function header changes to allow the ReadArray
and WriteArray functions to work with different data types (Integer,
Long, Single, Double, Currency, and user-defined type). Each Function
statement must be on a single line:
Function ReadArray (An_Array() As Integer, VBFileNumber As Integer)
As Long
Function WriteArray (An_Array() As Integer, VBFileNumber As Integer)
As Long
Function ReadArray (An_Array() As Long, VBFileNumber As Integer) As
Function WriteArray (An_Array() As Long, VBFileNumber As Integer) As
Function ReadArray (An_Array() As Single, VBFileNumber As Integer) As
Function WriteArray (An_Array() As Single, VBFileNumber As Integer) As
Function ReadArray (An_Array() As Double, VBFileNumber As Integer) As
Function WriteArray (An_Array() As Double, VBFileNumber As Integer) As
Function ReadArray (An_Array() As Currency, VBFileNumber As Integer)
As Long
Function WriteArray (An_Array() As Currency, VBFileNumber As Integer)
As Long