Running the Works for Windows Setup program will make the following
additions to the Win.ini file.
The sections are listed as follows:
[MS Proofing Tools]
[MS Text Converters]
[MS Graphic Import Filters]
Below are the entries in those sections:
wdb=<Works program path>\msworks.exe ^.wdb
wps=<Works program path>\msworks.exe ^.wps
wks=<Works program path>\msworks.exe ^.wks
This allows Works for Windows files to run. There are three different
types of files.
[MS Proofing Tools]
Spelling 1033,0=<Windows path>\msapps\proof\msspell.dll,<Windows
Custom Dict 1=<Windows path>\msapps\proof\custom.dic
[MS Text Converters]
WrdPrfctDOS50=WordPerfect 5.0,<Windows path>\msapps\textconv\wpft5.cnv,doc
WrdPrfctDOS=WordPerfect 5.1,<Windows path>\msapps\textconv\wpft5.cnv,doc
MSWordWin=Word for Windows 1.x,<Windows path>\msapps\textconv\
Windows Write=Windows Write,<Windows path>\msapps\textconv\writwin.cnv,wri
MSWorksWin=Works for Windows 2.0,<Windows path>\msapps\textconv\
[MS Graphic Import Filters]
Computer Graphics Metafile(.CGM)=<Windows
Encapsulated Postscript(.EPS)=<Windows path>\MSAPPS\GRPHFLT\epsimp.flt,EPS
PC Paintbrush(.PCX)=<Windows path>\MSAPPS\GRPHFLT\pcximp.flt,PCX
Tagged Image Format(.TIF)=<Windows path>\MSAPPS\GRPHFLT\tiffimp.flt,TIF
In the [Embedding]
MSDraw=Microsoft Drawing,MicrosoftDrawing,<Windowspath>\msapps\msdraw\
Note-It=MS Note-It,MS Note-It,<Windowspath>\msapps\note-it\note-it.exe,
MSWorksChart=MS Works Chart,MS Works Chart,<Works program path>\
MSWorksSpreadsheet=MS Works Spreadsheet,MS Works Spreadsheet,<Works
program path>\msworks.exe,picture,1
These sections provide instructions to any application that may be
using these shared filters (such as Works for Windows and Publisher)
on how to access them.
This final section is added to WIN.INI but it is not used at this
time. It was required in the original specification for OLE.
Works for Windows also adds a directory called MSAPPS under the
Windows directory. Under the MSAPPS directory, Works for Windows adds
the following directories:
where Works for Windows puts the spelling checker;
where Works for Windows puts text conversions;
where Works for Windows puts graphic filters;
where Works for Windows puts Note-It; and
where Works for Windows puts Microsoft Draw and its palettes.
NOTE: The MSAPPS directory is the area used by all Microsoft Solution Series applications to store similar files. For example, if you want to install Microsoft Publisher, the graphics filters would go under
grphflt directory, and the text conversion files would go under the
textconv directory.