The following DTC (Data Technology Corporation) hard disk controller
cards use 16K of upper memory area (UMA) for their BIOS:
--- ---- ----
7287 6000 6295
5287i 6180
7187i 6280
5187i 6162-15TX
If the MS-DOS version 5.0 EMM386.EXE does not detect the BIOS region
for these cards, you may experience the following symptoms:
- The system hangs when EMM386.EXE loads with the RAM option.
- The system hangs when a DEVICEHIGH statement is attempted.
- FAT is corrupted after booting with EMM386.EXE.
- The system hangs and large numbers of lost clusters are reported by
All of these symptoms indicate that EMM386.EXE may be conflicting with
the hard drive controller BIOS. The X= parameter should be used to
exclude the hard drive controller BIOS region.
All of the cards mentioned above use two possible address ranges in
the UMA. Depending on how the card is configured, one of the two
following EMM386.EXE parameters should be used:
X=C800-CC00 (default setup)
The specific address range used is determined by jumpers located on
the card in question. The technical documentation accompanying the
card should be consulted to determine which range to exclude.
The products included here, DTC hard disk controller cards, are
manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty,
implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or