Restoring the Original Version Table in SETVER.EXE (72342)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 5.0

This article was previously published under Q72342


The SETVER.EXE driver contains default information in the version table at ship time. This information is included for specific reasons and should not be altered unless you are certain that the alterations are appropriate, such as when a program manufacturer suggests an alteration.


If you do perform alterations to the SETVER.EXE version table, you can restore it to its original state using one of the following two methods:

  • Expand the SETVER.EX_ driver from the original Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 disks. The SETVER.EX_ file can be found on disk 1 (3.5-inch disk set) or disk 2 (5.25-inch disk set). If an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) version of MS-DOS is being used, SETVER.EX_ may not be on the disks mentioned above. To find SETVER.EX_, search for it with the following command:
          dir setver.ex_
    To expand the file, you must use the EXPAND utility included with MS-DOS 5.0. Place the proper disk in the proper drive. From the directory in which MS-DOS 5.0 is installed, issue the following command (assuming the disk is in drive A and C:\DOS is the directory in which MS-DOS 5 is installed):
          expand a:\setver.ex_ c:\dos\setver.exe
    The file will be expanded from the disk to the C:\DOS directory, and the original version table will be restored.
  • If you have made a copy of the SETVER.EXE file created by the Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 installation procedure, you can replace the altered version with the copy. You may want to make a copy of SETVER.EXE before making any changes to the version table. To make a copy, issue the following command (assuming that C:\DOS is the directory in which MS-DOS is installed):
          copy c:\dos\setver.exe c:\dos\setver.bak
    Having a backup ensures that if at any time the SETVER table is mistakenly altered or becomes corrupted, the original information can be restored by issuing the following command:
          copy c:\dos\setver.bak c:\dos\setver.exe

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/23/1999