In the Microsoft Mail Software Development Kit (SDK) for HyperCard,
the following function changes the server that login calls will be
made to:
msmail (chooseServer, serverName [, zone])
This call simulates the effects of using the Chooser desk accessory
(DA) to point the local Microsoft Mail workstation to a server. The
name of the server must be supplied. Specifying the AppleTalk zone is
optional. If the zone parameter is omitted, the current zone will be
used. This does not affect the auto-login preferences for the user in
any way and does NOT return any indication if the newly chosen server
actually exists.
Using chooseServer to select a new server will break all existing Mail
sessions from the current machine, including DA sessions. This is the
only way to logoff the client session.
Note: If you don't have zones and you want to specify a zone name, use
an asterisk (*).
For example:
get msmail(ChooseServer, "Server #1234","*")
The above line selects a server named "Server #1234". The current zone
will be used since no argument is passed for the zone parameter.
get msmail(ChooseServer, "Accounting", "FourthFloor")
The above line will logoff the current client (DA) session, even if it
is logged into the "Accounting" server in the "FourthFloor" zone.
This information is taken from the "Microsoft Mail HyperCard Interface