MSHERC.COM is a Hercules graphics driver supplied with Microsoft
QuickBasic version 4.50 and Microsoft Basic Professional Development
System (PDS) versions 7.00 and 7.10. QBHERC.COM is the equivalent
driver supplied with Microsoft QuickBasic versions 4.00 and 4.00b. You
must run MSHERC.COM or QBHERC.COM before you can use Hercules graphics
(SCREEN 3) in your Basic programs.
MSHERC.COM or QBHERC.COM should not load on a system that is using a
graphics adapter other than Hercules. If invoked on a system using an
EGA or VGA graphics card, MSHERC.COM or QBHERC.COM reports the
following error and does not load:
Hercules Video Card not present.
Hercules Video Support Routines not installed.
However, on some systems using CGA graphics cards, MSHERC will load
into memory and display the following:
Hercules Video Support Routines installed.
This behavior consumes memory unnecessarily, and the message can be
misleading because Hercules graphics (SCREEN 3) does not work on CGA
systems. MSHERC.COM or QBHERC.COM should not be run on computers that
have a CGA card.
All documentation for the driver file MSHERC.COM was mistakenly left
out of the manuals, online Help, and README.DOC file of QuickBasic
version 4.50 and Basic PDS versions 7.00 and 7.10. MSHERC.COM is
briefly mentioned in the packing list (PACKING.LST) of these products,
but instructions are missing.
The following instructions for QBHERC.COM are taken from the
README.DOC file for QuickBasic versions 4.00/4.00b and Basic compiler
versions 6.00/6.00b; this information applies to both QBHERC.COM and
The SCREEN statement now includes mode 3 for Hercules display
adapters. The following is a brief summary of screen mode 3. See
your Hercules documentation for details.
QuickBasic supports Hercules Graphics Card, Graphics Card Plus,
InColor Card, and 100% compatibles.
You must use a monochrome monitor.
Hercules text mode is SCREEN 0; Hercules Graphics mode is SCREEN 3.
You must load the Hercules driver (QBHERC.COM) before running your
program. If the driver is not loaded, SCREEN 3 statement gives an
"Illegal function call" error message. Type QBHERC to load the
Text dimensions are 80x25 (9x14 character box); bottom 2 scan lines
of 25th row are not visible.
Resolution is 720x348 pixels, monochrome.
Number of screen pages supported is 2.
The PALETTE statement is not supported.
In order to use the Mouse, you must follow special instructions for
Hercules cards in the Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference Guide.
(This must be ordered separately; it is not supplied with either
the QuickBasic or the Mouse package.)