Using the Micro Display Systems Monitor with Windows (65077)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Windows 3.0a
  • Microsoft Windows 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows 3.11

This article was previously published under Q65077


The Micro Display Systems Genius 420 Monitor is a full-page monochrome monitor and adapter. This monitor requires a special video driver, supplied by Ran-Ger Technologies, Inc., to operate properly with Microsoft Windows version 3.0.

To obtain this driver, contact Ran-Ger Technologies. The file is available as a self-extracting executable called GIWIN3.EXE.


The Genius Monitor may be used with Windows 3.0 without the Micro Display Systems driver if you do the following:
  1. Put the Genius Monitor in CGA mode. In the Genius directory on the hard disk, there is a file named VHR.COM. Run this program by typing VHR CGA to put the Genius Monitor in CGA mode.
  2. Add the command VHR CGA to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or run this program before you run Windows.
  3. Install Windows and choose CGA graphics adapter as your display.
The products included here are manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/7/2005