If the Apple System Installer is used to update the operating system
to version 6.0.4 or 6.0.5 on a Macintosh running a Microsoft Mail
server, the Microsoft Mail error message "The Microsoft Mail Server
could not be loaded because" with no reason or explanation given may
be generated.
To solve this problem, the System Folder must be reinstalled. It is
important to install NEW files in the System Folder, not update
existing ones. Do the following:
- Save your fonts, desk accessories (DAs), and other needed files
(such as the "Microsoft Mail Data file") by removing them from the
System Folder since the current system software files will be
replaced by new ones.
- Restart the machine using the System Tools disk.
- Delete the System Folder on the hard disk.
- Run the Installer on the System Tools disk to reinstall the System