In 7.00 UI Toolbox, WindowOpen Must Start at Row 3, Column 2 (63797)

This article was previously published under Q63797


When using the WindowOpen SUBprogram from the User Interface (UI) Toolbox in Microsoft Basic Professional Development System (PDS) versions 7.00 and 7.10, coordinates for the upper left-hand window location must be below row 2 and to the right of column 1.

The reason for this is that the coordinates that you are giving represent the location of the first printable text space on the screen, not the actual upper left-hand corner of the window. Therefore, there has to be room for the window border to be drawn around the box.

If you try to display a window with an upper left-hand coordinate of 1 for col1%, or 1 or 2 for row1%, no window will be displayed on the screen and no error will display.

Code Example

'The main body of code consists of the initialization routines that
'allow the use of the User Interface (UI) Toolbox. The $INCLUDE files
'contain the necessary TYPE definitions and SUB declarations. The
'COMMON SHARED statements contain the necessary global variables for
'communicating with the UI Toolbox routines.


COMMON SHARED /uitools/ glomenu AS MenuMiscType
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ glotitle() AS MenuTitleType
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ gloitem() AS MenuItemType
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ glowindow() AS windowtype
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ globutton() AS buttontype
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ gloedit() AS editfieldtype
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ glostorage AS windowstoragetype
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ glowindowstack() AS INTEGER
COMMON SHARED /uitools/ globuffer$()

DIM glotitle(MAXMENU) AS MenuTitleType
DIM gloitem(MAXMENU, MAXITEM) AS MenuItemType
DIM glowindow(MAXWINDOW) AS windowtype
DIM globutton(MAXBUTTON) AS buttontype
DIM gloedit(MAXEDITFIELD) AS editfieldtype
DIM globuffer$(MAXWINDOW + 1, 2)


'Windowinit and Menuinit initialize all of the necessary
'variables for use with the UI Toolbox routines.


'The following windowopen statement will not create a window on the
'screen, because the second parameter must be greater than 2, and the
'third parameter must be greater than 1:
'             /----- 2nd parameter must be greater than 2.
'             v
windowopen 1, 2, 1, 20, 20, 15, 0, 15, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "test #1"
'                ^----- 3rd parameter must be greater than 1.

'The following windowopen statement correctly opens a window
'that will have the minimum possible upper left-hand corner

windowopen 2, 3, 2, 10, 20, 15, 0, 15, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, "test #2"

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/8/2003
Keywords: KB63797