When using soft fonts (such as those produced by Bitstream or
Hewlett-Packard) in Microsoft Windows, the font displayed on the screen may
be different from the font selected. This often occurs if you have changed
the order of your screen fonts in the [Fonts] section of the WIN.INI file.
Changing the order of the fonts that are listed in this section can
sometimes correct this problem.
For example, change the order from
Symbol 8,10 (VGA res)=SYMBOLE.FON
ITCZapfDingbats 6,8 (VGA res)=zd24e.fon
To the following:
ITCZapfDingbats 6,8 (VGA res)=zd24e.fon
Symbol 8,10 (VGA res)=SYMBOLE.FON
After you modify the WIN.INI file, you must exit Windows for the change to
take effect.