The following syntax returns the name of the enclosure contained
within the specified message:
msmail(getEnclosureName, messageRef[,index])=>fileName
If the specified message does not contain an enclosure, an error will
be returned.
"messageRef" is a reference to a selected message obtained by making a
call to the msmail function using a parameter that returns a message
The optional "index" parameter allows multiple enclosures to be
extracted from a message. Since this feature was not implemented in
Microsoft Mail version 2.00, passing anything other than 0 (zero) in
Mail 2.00 returns an error (0 is the default).
Note: This default was changed in Mail version 3.00 to allow multiple
enclosures. With Mail 3.0, any number 1 to n is allowed. 1 is the
default with Mail 3.00. If a script used the optional index with Mail
2.00 and is updated to Mail 3.00, a "Bad enclosure index"
mailresulttext will be returned. The mailresult error is -2593.
In all cases, the name that the file was successfully saved with is
This information is taken from the "Microsoft Mail HyperCard Interface