In the "Microsoft QuickBASIC for Apple Macintosh: Language Reference"
manual, the syntax description of the WIDTH statement does not follow
the notational conventions used with the documentation.
The WIDTH statement syntax description on Page 353 of the "Microsoft
QuickBASIC for Apple Macintosh: Language Reference") incorrectly shows
that both "size" and ", printzone" are optional:
WIDTH [[size]] [[,printzone]]
When all parameters are optional, the statement should be legal with
no parameters. In this case, "WIDTH" alone should be a legal statement
according to the above syntax description, but that statement causes
the following error:
Missing operand
The correct syntax description for the WIDTH statement is as follows:
WIDTH {size | ,printzone | size,printzone}
This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC version 1.00 for the
Apple Macintosh.