QB.EXE and QBX.EXE Erase Line If You Type STRIG ON (60966)

This article was previously published under Q60966


If the following code example is typed into the Microsoft QuickBasic (QB.EXE) or QuickBasic extended (QBX.EXE) editors, the line "STRIG ON" will disappear when you either move the cursor off that line, press RETURN, or try to run the program.


This is not considered a problem with QB.EXE or QBX.EXE. Page 411 of the "Microsoft QuickBasic 4.0: Basic Language Reference," Page 411 of the "Microsoft Basic Compiler 6.0: Basic Language Reference," and Page 361 of the "Microsoft Basic 7.0: Language Reference" state that the STRIG ON and STRIG OFF statements are ignored. These statements are provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Basic.

Code Example

   PRINT "Before Line"
   STRIG ON                 'This line will disappear if entered
                            'in CAPS or not
   PRINT "After Line"


   Before Line
   After Line

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB60966