To access fields from nonstandard message types created using the
Microsoft Mail versions 2.0 or 3.0 Forms Designer, the identification
codes for those fields are needed. There are no built-in functions for
returning the values from these custom forms, so to access them, these
codes are passed to the Microsoft Mail function call using the
parameter "getField".
To find these codes, launch HyperCard and open the stack that contains
the custom form that will be read. In the HyperCard message box on the
Send screen or Read screen of the form's stack, type the following:
show background field idmap
A field then appears, displaying the mapping between the form's field
names and the Mail codes. The idmap field holds the 4-character
identification code and the names of the custom fields and buttons.
Before closing the form, hide the field by typing the following in the
message box:
hide background field idmap
The same field identification codes can be used with the Microsoft
Excel Software Development Kit (SDK).