The following information is contained in the Microsoft Windows version
3.0 SYSINI.TXT readme file. The Windows Setup program copies this file
to the Windows 3.0 directory.
SYSTEM.INI is one of two Windows initialization files that are included
with Windows. Windows initialization files contain information that
defines your Windows environment. Windows and applications can use the
information stored in these files to configure themselves to meet your
needs and preferences.
There are two standard Windows initialization files:
* SYSTEM.INI, which primarily contains settings that allow you to
customize Windows to meet your system's hardware needs
* WIN.INI, which primarily contains settings that allow you to alter
your Windows environment according to your preferences
This document describes the contents of the SYSTEM.INI file and how
you can alter them.
For information on the WIN.INI file, see the WININI.TXT file.
Windows initialization files have the following format:
[section name]
In this example, [section name] is the name of a section. Sections are
used to break settings into logical groups. The enclosing brackets
([]) are required.
The keyname=value statement defines the value of each setting. A
keyname is the name of a setting. It can consist of any combination of
letters and digits, and must be followed immediately by an equal sign
(=). A value is the setting's value. It can be an integer, a string,
or a quoted string, depending on the setting.
How to Read Listings in This Document
In this document, settings in SYSTEM.INI are listed alphabetically
within the sections that contain them. These sections are listed in
the following order:
The settings will not appear alphabetically in the SYSTEM.INI file. If
you want to change a setting, you will have to search for the setting
in the appropriate section. Many of the settings explained in this
file are rarely needed and will not appear in your SYSTEM.INI file
unless you add them yourself.
The syntax, purpose, and recommended method for changing each setting
appears in the following format:
Purpose: This paragraph briefly describes the function of the setting
and its default value (if applicable).
Can change by: This sentence states the recommended method for
changing the value of this setting.
The <value-type> indicates whether the value should be a number, a
letter, a range of numbers, Boolean, or something else. For more
information on Boolean values, see "Acceptable Boolean Values," later
in this document.
Changing Settings
Windows created the SYSTEM.INI files when you installed Windows. Many
of the settings contained in this file were set to default values
defined by Windows.
It may be necessary to change one or more of these values in order to
improve the performance of Windows or an application with your system.
Most of the values in SYSTEM.INI can be changed only by opening
SYSTEM.INI and editing it using a text editor, such as Notepad. For
more information on how to use Notepad, see Chapter 10, "Additional
Accessories," in the User's Guide.
CAUTION: You should use extreme care when making changes to your
SYSTEM.INI file using a text editor. You can disable your system if
you incorrectly edit these files. The listings in this document
indicate which settings can be changed without opening SYSTEM.INI. Use
the recommended method whenever possible.
Acceptable Boolean Values
Several settings in the [386enh] section of SYSTEM.INI are Boolean.
There are several ways you can enter the value to indicate whether the
setting is to be enabled or disabled.
If you want the setting to be enabled, you can enter:
* true
* yes
* on
* 1
If you want the setting to be disabled, you can type:
* false
* no
* off
* 0
Except for 1 and 0 (zero), these values are not case sensitive.
What Is in SYSTEM.INI?
The SYSTEM.INI file contains global system information that Windows
uses when it is started. Generally, you cannot change these settings
through Control Panel. Any changes to the file do not affect Windows
until you restart Windows.
The following sections can appear in SYSTEM.INI:
Section Purpose
------- -------
[boot] Lists drivers and Windows modules.
[keyboard] Contains information about the keyboard.
[NonWindowsApp] Contains information used by non-Windows
[standard] Contains information used by Windows in standard
[386enh] Contains information used by Windows in 386
enhanced mode.