The following information is contained in the Microsoft Windows 3.0
WININI.TXT readme file. The Windows Setup program copies this file to the
Windows directory.
The [extensions] section contains settings that link groups of
document files with an application so that opening the document file
automatically starts the application.
The [extensions] section can contain settings of the following type:
<extension>=<executable-filename input-filename>
Purpose: Contains a list of filename extensions and corresponding
applications that are called when the user chooses a file
that has one of the given extensions.
The <extension> keyname is a one- to three-character
extension. The <executable-filename> value is the filename
(with the .EXE extension) of the corresponding application.
The <input-filename> value is the filename that will be
passed to the application when called. This value can be any
filename, or it can consist of a special wildcard character
-- the caret (^) -- followed by a filename extension. The
caret (^) represents all files with the specified extension.
For example, the following setting links document files with
the .CAL extension to the Windows Calendar application:
cal=calendar.exe ^.cal
To change: Choose Association from the File menu in File Manager.