Microsoft FORTRAN includes GRAPHICS.LIB, a run-time library that
supports a number of graphics functions in the MS-DOS environment. The
OS/2 graphics library, GRTEXTP.LIB, supports the subset of the
graphics functions that perform text graphics. The text below lists
the functions that GRTEXTP.LIB supports:
clearscreen getvideoconfig settextposition
displaycursor getvisualpage settextrows
getactivepage outtext settextwindow
getbkcolor setactivepage setvideomode
gettextcolor setbkcolor setvideomoderows
gettextcursor settextcolor setvisualpage
gettextposition settextcursor wrapon
To use graphics in an application designed to run with OS/2, link the
GRTEXTP.LIB library instead of GRAPHICS.LIB. Functions not included in
the list above are not available in OS/2.
To perform additional graphics operations in an application developed
for the OS/2 operating system, use the functions of the OS/2
Presentation Manager.
For more information, see the Microsoft FORTRAN "Advanced Topics"
manual. For FORTRAN version 5.1, see page 190 and for FORTRAN version
5.0, see page 148.