PIF for Paintbrush Version 4.00 (49694)

This article was previously published under Q49694


Microsoft Paintbrush Version 4.00 runs in Windows/386 through the use of a PIF (Program Information File). Because of memory requirements, it is suggested that the system be booted with as little as possible loaded into memory. The following is the information needed to create a PIF for Paintbrush 4.00. Any item not mentioned in the "Pifedit" field should be left at the default setting.

Do the following:

  1. Start Windows/386.
  2. Change directories to the directory in which Paintbrush 4.00 is installed.
  3. Choose the File menu, choose Run, type PIFEDIT, and press ENTER.
  4. For Program Name, enter the name of the file used to start Paintbrush 4.00 (this is usually called PAINT.BAT).
  5. For Initial Directory, type the complete path to the Paintbrush program.
  6. For Memory Requirements, type the following:

    KB Required 64 KB Desired 640

  7. Choose Full Screen.
  8. Choose Exclusive.
  9. For Program Switch, select Graphics.
  10. Save the file with the same name as the command you use to start Paintbrush with the .PIF extension, e.g. PAINT.PIF.

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 7/30/2001
Keywords: KB49694