Displaying Inverse Video Text in SCREEN 2 or Hercules SCREEN 3 (47490)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0
  • Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0b
  • Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5
  • Microsoft BASIC Compiler for MS-DOS and OS/2 6.0
  • Microsoft BASIC Compiler for MS-DOS and OS/2 6.0b
  • Microsoft Basic Professional Development System for MS-DOS 7.0
  • Microsoft Basic Professional Development System for MS-DOS 7.1

This article was previously published under Q47490


The QuickBasic program in this article contains a routine that demonstrates how to display text in inverse video on SCREEN 2 or on a Hercules monochrome graphics card in SCREEN 3.


The general procedure is as follows:

  1. Draw a box on the screen with the LINE statement using the BF (Box Fill) argument. The filled-in box will act as the background on which the text will appear. The box should be of the same height and width as the line of text to be displayed.
  2. Use the graphics GET statement to store the background block in an array.
  3. Print the line of text to be displayed.
  4. Use the graphics PUT statement with the XOR argument to place the block of background color over the text.
The result is a black foreground with a highlighted background (in other words, inverse video).

Note: The resulting display is all foreground. What appears to be the background is actually foreground color. The above steps construct a character that is a solid block with the outline of the character cut out of the middle.

For more information about performing a similar operation on a color graphics adapter, search on the following words:

foreground and background and GET and PUT and 16 and simultaneously

This separate article explains how you can use as many background colors as foreground colors in SCREEN 9.

Code Example

The InversePrint SUBprogram below takes only one parameter, the STRING to be displayed. The parameter can be a simple STRING literal or a STRING expression. No special formatting characters are supported, but they could easily be added. The InversePrint program below is written to use 9-by-14-bit characters on SCREEN 3, but you can easily change the program to use 8-by-8-bit characters on SCREEN 2, as shown in comments further below.

Following is the code for the module IPRINT.BAS, which contains the InversePrint SUBprogram:
'* Module name:        IPRINT.BAS                          *
'* Global variables:                                       *
DIM SHARED bgblock%(2242)  'holds background block         *

'*                                                         *
'* InversePrint:                                           *
'*           This routine will not wrap around if the      *
'*           string exceeds column 80. It truncates        *
'*           whatever text is being printed at column 80.  *
'*                                                         *
'*           The string length in pixels is first calcu-   *
'*           lated. A LINE statement with the BF option    *
'*           (Box Fill) using the amber background color   *
'*           is executed. The resulting block of color is  *
'*           saved with a GET statement. The string is     *
'*           then printed. The saved block of background   *
'*           is then PUT over the text with XOR option,    *
'*           thus the text appears in inverse video.       *
'*                                                         *
SUB InversePrint (text$)
  ' Get cursor position:
  tx% = POS(0)
  ty% = CSRLIN
  ' Determine size of text characters (in SCREEN 3, a character box
  ' is 9 by 14 bits; in SCREEN 2, a character is 8 by 8 bits):
  col% = (tx% - 1) * 9   ' For SCREEN 2, change "* 9" to "* 8"
  row% = (ty% - 1) * 14  ' For SCREEN 2, change "* 14" to "* 8"
  maxpix% = 719 - col%
  maxlength% = 81 - tx%
  tlength% = LEN(text$) * 9

  'truncate text if longer than 80 columns
  IF tlength% > maxpix% THEN
    text$ = LEFT$(text$, maxlength%)
    tlength% = maxpix%

  'draw background box and GET it into an array
  LINE (col%, row%)-STEP(tlength%, 13), 7, BF
  GET (col%, row%)-STEP(tlength%, 13), bgblock%(0)
  PRINT text$;

  'XOR background box with text on screen
  LOCATE ty%, tx%
  PUT (col%, row%), bgblock%(0), XOR
The following demonstrates how to compile InversePrint and how to call it from another module (IPDEMO.BAS):

  1. To create IPRINT.OBJ:  BC IPRINT;
       To create IPLIB.LIB:   LIB IPLIB IPRINT;
  2. If using IPRINT.OBJ:   BC IPDEMO;
                              LINK IPDEMO IPRINT;
       If using IPLIB.LIB:    BC IPDEMO;
                              LINK IPDEMO,,,IPLIB;
The following is the code for IPDEMO.BAS, which makes calls to InversePrint:
'* Module:       IPDEMO.BAS
'* Description:  This program demonstrates how to call InversePrint.
'* Note:         InversePrint prints the text at the current cursor
'*               position.
DECLARE SUB InversePrint (test$)
SCREEN 3   ' You can change this to SCREEN 2 if you
           ' modify InversePrint to use an 8 by 8 bit character box.
A$ = "This is a "
B$ = "concatenated string in inverse video."
InversePrint "This text is printed in inverse video."
InversePrint A$ + B$
InversePrint STRING$(50, "X")
CALL InversePrint("CALL statement syntax used instead of implied CALL")
PRINT "This sentence is NOT in inverse video."

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/16/2005
Keywords:KB47490 kbAudDeveloper