Mouse programming is very dependent on timing between mouse clicks.
The System Control Panel is used to set the current mouse click
timing rate.
This article contains a sample program that shows how to poll the
MOUSE(0) function in a loop. The program detects single, double, and
triple clicks in Macintosh QuickBASIC Version 1.00, BASIC Compiler
Version 1.00, and BASIC Interpreter for the Macintosh Versions 2.00,
2.10, and 3.00.
The following is a code example:
PRINT "Click in right window border to quit"
WHILE x < 490 ' Quits if you click beyond 490 pixels to right.
WHILE MOUSE(0)=0 : WEND ' Wait for mouse button to go down.
GOSUB delay ' Delay long enough for user to triple click.
buttonstatus=MOUSE(0) ' Read current mouse status.
x=MOUSE(1) ' Returns X coordinate of mouse.
IF buttonstatus < 0 THEN GOTO waitup ' Avoids down status.
PRINT "buttonstatus=",buttonstatus
IF buttonstatus=1 THEN PRINT "Single clicked"
IF buttonstatus=2 THEN PRINT "Double clicked"
IF buttonstatus=3 THEN PRINT "Triple clicked"
REM Please note: If the mouse is clicked three times at a rate that
REM nearly exceeds the system time period for a triple
REM click, the program may report a double and a
REM triple click.
PRINT "Now waiting for clicking to finish . . ."
' If compiled, then use a longer loop:
IF SYSTEM(4) THEN ' SYSTEM(4) returns "true" if compiled.
FOR I=1 TO 7000 : NEXT
ELSE ' Use shorter loop if run in interpreter:
FOR I=1 TO 1100 : NEXT
REM The SYSTEM(4) command is not supported in the Macintosh BASIC
REM Interpreter or Compiler products. When using either product,
REM comment the IF...END IF loop and uncomment the loop that follows.
REM FOR I=1 TO 7000 : NEXT 'Use a shorter loop if run in interpreter
PRINT " . . . time is up."
Program notes:
The delay loop in this program has different timing on a Mac Plus
than it does on a Macintosh II. To make the program behave the same on
different Macintosh computers, replace the program's loop with another
loop based on calling the ToolBox statement to invoke the TickCount
ROM function. (Query on the word "tickcount" in this database for an
example of a timer accurate to one-sixtieth of a second).