If BRUN45.EXE is not in the current directory or MS-DOS path, then any
program compiled with QuickBasic Version 4.50 requiring the BRUN45.EXE
run-time module and running under DOS Version 2.10 will get the
following message:
"Input run-time module path :"
If you respond to this prompt and input the complete drive and
subdirectory name to locate BRUN45.EXE, then the prompt will still
occur, and the run-time module will not be found. (This problem does
not occur with versions of QuickBasic earlier than Version 4.50.)
This problem only occurs under DOS Version 2.10. On versions of DOS
later than Version 2.10, typing in the path correctly satisfies the
above prompt.
To work around the problem and avoid the "Input run-time module path"
prompt, set a PATH environment variable in MS-DOS that includes the
run-time module in the path, as in the following example:
SET PATH=c:\subdir