This article provides an example of calling Macintosh register-based
ROM functions with the ToolBox statement in QuickBasic versions 1.0,
1.0a, and 1.0b for the Apple Macintosh.
This article discusses date and time conversion functions, which are
register-based ROM calls accessible with the QuickBasic Toolbox
statement. The following register-based ROM calls pass arguments in
Macintosh machine registers:
- The Date2Secs ROM function
This function takes a given date/time record, (a0&), which is the
pointer to the date/time record, and converts it to the
corresponding seconds since midnight of January 1, 1904. The result
is put in the argument (d0&). The dayofweek field can be ignored
for this function. See code example 1 below.
- The Secs2Date ROM function
This function takes the number of seconds since midnight, January
1, 1904, (d0&) and converts it to the corresponding date and time,
returning it in the date/time record argument, (a0&), which is the
pointer to the date/time record. See code example 2 below.
Note: Further below are examples of how to use the date and time
conversion functions listed above.
You can access Date2Secs and Secs2Date from within a QuickBasic program
with the ToolBox statement. The ToolBox statement must first be
initialized (only once within a program) with the following statement:
ToolBox "i" 'case is not significant
You can make a register-based ROM call in the following manner
ToolBox "R",trapnum%,returnarray&(0),(a0&),(a1&),(d0&),(d1&),(d2&)
where the following is true:
"R" -- is for "register call."
trapnum% -- is the trap number for the ROM routine.
returnarray&(0) -- will contain the contents of the registers a0&,
a1&, d0&, d1&, d2& (in order) after the ROM call. This array
must be dimensioned to five elememts.
The arguments a0&, a1&, d0&, d1&, d2& are arguments whose values
are passed into the registers before the ROM call.
Note: The arguments and returnarray&(0) are optional. They depend upon
whether you need to use a particular register and whether there is a
return value.
The Date2Secs and Secs2Date functions use the following date/time
record structure (based in Pascal):
TYPE DateTimeRec =
year: integer; {1904 to 2040}
month: integer; {1 to 12 for January to December}
day: integer; {1 to 31}
hour: integer; {0 to 23)
minute: integer; {0 to 59}
second: integer; {0 to 59}
dayofweek: integer; {1 to 7 for Sunday to Saturday}
In Basic, use an integer array to represent this structure, as in the
following example:
DIM DateTimeRec%(6)
DateTimeRec%(0) represents DateTimeRec.year
DateTimeRec%(1) represents DateTimeRec.month
DateTimeRec%(2) represents
DateTimeRec%(3) represents DateTimeRec.hour
DateTimeRec%(4) represents DateTimeRec.minute
DateTimeRec%(5) represents DateTimeRec.second
DateTimeRec%(6) represents DateTimeRec.dayofweek
For additional information, see sections E.10.3 to E.10.3.5 of the
"Microsoft QuickBASIC for the Apple Macintosh: Language Reference."
See "Inside Macintosh Volume II" for trap numbers and descriptions of
Code Example 1
Toolbox "i" ' Required to initialized toolbox routines; if you
' forget this statement, you get "Invalid Function Call"
' Example of invoking Date2Secs function.
DIM returnarray&(5) 'Must be at least 5 to handle the
'five arguments for register ROM calls.
DIM DateTimeRec%(6) 'set up date/time record
trapnum% = &HA9C7 'trapnum for Date2Secs function
d0& = 0 'initialization
DateTimeRec%(0) = 1904 'fill date/time record
DateTimeRec%(1) = 1
DateTimeRec%(2) = 1
DateTimeRec%(3) = 2
DateTimeRec%(4) = 46
DateTimeRec%(5) = 40
DateTimeRec%(6) = 6
ToolBox "R",trapnum%,returnarray&(0),DateTimeRec%(0)
' Note: The only parameter needed is DateTimeRec%, which is passed
' through the a0& register as noted by its position.
PRINT returnarray&(2), "seconds have elapsed since 01-01-04"
The code example above gives the following output:
10000 minutes have elapsed since midnight 01-01-04
Code Example 2
' Secs2Date function example:
DIM datetimerec%(6)
trapnum% = &HA9C6 'trap number for Secs2Date
d0& = 10000 'time in seconds
ToolBox "i"
a0& = VARPTR(datetimerec%(0))
ToolBox "R",trapnum%,,(a0&),,(d0&)
' NOTE: since no return value is needed, returnarray%(0) is omitted.
PRINT "the year is ";datetimerec%(0)
PRINT "month ";datetimerec%(1); " of the year"
PRINT "day ";datetimerec%(2); " of the month"
PRINT "the time is ";datetimerec%(3);" hours "; datetimerec%(4);
PRINT " minutes ";datetimerec%(5);" seconds military time"
PRINT "this is day ";datetimerec%(6); " in the week"
The code example above gives the following output:
the year is 1904
month 1 of the year
day 1 of the month
the time is 2 hundred hours 46 minutes 40 seconds military time
this is day 6 in the week