MAC QB 1.00 README: "Out of Memory"; Changing SIZE resource (34346)

This article was previously published under Q34346


The following information needs to be added to Appendix F of the "Microsoft QuickBasic 1.00 Basic Language Reference." This information was taken from the README file from the release disk.

Controlling Memory (Loading Files)

Because QuickBasic initially allocates one third of the memory listed in the SIZE resource to the data area (about 100K), and QuickBasic reads your program into the data area, programs larger than 100K can produce the "Out of memory" error. You can change the SIZE resource either with ResEdit or with "Get Info" for QuickBasic under MultiFinder, Finder 6.1 or later.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB34346