Microsoft Office X for Mac
Installation Read Me
October 2001
Copyright 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.
This document provides information about installing
Microsoft Office X for Mac and is current as of the date above. After that
date, you can find more current information and resources by visiting the
Microsoft Mactopia Web site at:
1 System Requirements for Microsoft Office X
Upgrading to Microsoft Office X
2.1 Upgrade Eligibility
2.2 Upgrading to Microsoft Office X
2.3 Importing Contact Information to Microsoft Office X
3 Installing Microsoft Office X
3.1 Installation Instructions
3.2 Installing Microsoft Office X on More Than One Computer
4 About the Value Pack
5 More Help
1 System Requirements for Microsoft Office X
To run Microsoft Office X, your computer must meet the following
minimum requirements:
- Processor: G3, Mac OS X compatible.
- Operating System: Mac OS X version 10.1 or
- Memory: 128 MB of RAM.
- Hard Disk*: 196 MB of available hard disk space for a
default installation of Office; the hard-disk space requirement varies
according to the components you choose to install and the amount of data you
store in Office. Also, installation of Value Pack components requires
additional hard disk space.
- Drives: CD-ROM drive or a connection to a network if you
are installing Office from a network volume.
- Display: Monitor that can display 256 colors and a
resolution of 800 x 600 or higher. A monitor that can display thousands or
millions of colors and a resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher is recommended.
* The hard disk should be in Mac OS Extended (HFS+) format, the
default format for Mac OS X; although you can perform a drag-and-drop
installation of and run Office X from a hard disk that is in another format,
Microsoft does not currently support such a configuration. To determine the
format of your hard disk, see the Devices and Volumes tab of Apple System
To use all of the features available in Office X, it is
recommended that you have the following additional items and services:
- Modem: 14.4 Kbps or higher.
- Internet Access: Internet connection through either an
Internet service provider (ISP) or a network. Internet access might require a
separate fee to an ISP; local or long-distance telephone charges might also
2 Upgrading to Microsoft Office X
2.1 Upgrade Eligibility You can upgrade to Microsoft Office X if you are a
licensed user of any of the following Microsoft products:
- Office 98
- Office 2001
- Word + Entourage 2001, Special Edition
- Word 98
- Word 2001
- Excel 98
- Excel 2001
- PowerPoint 98
- PowerPoint 2001
Unless you are a licensed user of any of the preceding
products, you must purchase and install the full version of Office X to use
2.2 Upgrading to Microsoft Office X To upgrade to Microsoft Office X, follow the
instructions in section 3, "Installing Microsoft Office X." During
installation, the Microsoft Office Setup Assistant asks you to select the
folder that contains an upgrade-eligible product (the Microsoft Office 2001
folder, for example). You can select a folder on either your computer or the
CD-ROM from which you originally installed the product. After you select the
appropriate folder, the assistant upgrades the product and you can finish
setting up Office X.
2.3 Importing Contact Information to Microsoft Office X If you previously stored contact information in the
Address Book provided by an earlier version of Microsoft Office or an
individual Office program, you can import this information to Office X after
you finish setting it up.
To import contact information from Word 98
or earlier, simply start Word X. When you do so, Word searches for the earlier
version and automatically imports the information. If Word cannot find the
earlier version, you can import the information manually. For more information
about importing contact information from Word 98 or earlier, see the Word Read
To import contact information from Office 2001 or an individual
Office 2001 program, start Entourage X, click Import on the File menu, and then
follow the instructions in the Import Assistant. When you do so, you can also
choose to import additional information, such as account settings and messages,
from Entourage 2001.
3 Installing Microsoft Office X
3.1 Installation Instructions You can either install all Microsoft Office X
components at once or install only those components that you select.
Notes- Before you install Office X, turn off your virus-protection
software, because it might interfere with installation, and quit any programs
that are running. Also, switch to Mac OS X, if you are currently running the
Classic environment (Mac OS 9).
- After you install Office X, make sure that everyone who
uses your computer has Read & Write privileges for the Microsoft Office X
folder on your hard disk. By doing so, you can ensure that everyone who uses
your computer can use all Office X features, including templates. To check the
privileges for a folder, open the Finder, click the folder, and then click Show
Info on the File menu. On the pop-up menu, click Privileges. For information
about setting folder privileges, see Mac Help.
Installing all components- Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
If you
are installing Office X from a network volume, connect to that
volume. - Drag the Microsoft Office X folder to a location on your
hard disk (the Applications folder, for example).
The Office X files
are copied to your hard disk. - On your hard disk, double-click an Office program file,
such as Microsoft Word.
- Follow the instructions in the Microsoft Office Setup
Assistant to finish setup.
Installing only selected components- Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
If you
are installing Office X from a network volume, connect to that
volume. - Double-click the Microsoft Office Installer.
- Click the pop-up menu that contains the words "Easy
Install," and then click Custom Install.
- Clear the check boxes next to the components that you do
not want to install.
- On the Install Location pop-up menu, do
one of the following:
- To install Office in the Applications folder, click the
name of the disk on which Mac OS X is installed.
- To install Office in a different folder, click Select
Folder, select the folder you want, and then click Choose.
- Click Install.
The files for the selected
components are copied to your hard disk. - On your hard disk, double-click an Office program file,
such as Microsoft Word.
- Follow the instructions in the Microsoft Office Setup
Assistant to finish setup.
3.2 Installing Microsoft Office X on More Than One Computer
As outlined in the Microsoft Office End-User License Agreement,
you can install and use one copy of Microsoft Office X on a single computer. If
you are the primary user of that computer, you can also install a second copy
of Office, for your exclusive use, on a portable computer.
Note If you install the same copy of Office X on more than one
computer and exceed the number of installations permitted by your license
agreement, the Office programs will automatically quit shortly after being
started. Before quitting, you will have an opportunity to save changes that you
have made to any open documents.
To install Office X on additional
computers without purchasing an additional copy of Office for each computer,
you can either purchase a Microsoft License Pack (MLP) or purchase a volume
license through the Microsoft Volume Licensing program.
- Microsoft License Pack The MLP authorizes you to use additional copies of a specified,
previously licensed Microsoft product. For example, if you work in a small
company with two computers, and you need to use Office on both computers, you
can purchase a single copy of Office and a single-copy MLP for Office. This
allows you to install Office on the first computer, as outlined in the
Microsoft Office End-User License Agreement, as well as on the second computer,
as permitted by the MLP license-agreement.
- Volume licenses By participating in the Microsoft Volume Licensing program, you
can purchase a volume license for five or more copies of Office. For
information about this program, visit the Microsoft Licensing Web site at:
To determine which licensing option best meets your needs or to
purchase an MLP or volume license, contact your Microsoft reseller. If you do
not yet have a relationship with a Microsoft reseller, the Microsoft office for
your region can help you find one. For information about contacting your
regional Microsoft office, visit the Microsoft Worldwide Information Web site
4 About the Value Pack
The Value Pack contains components - templates, fonts, clip art,
and more - that supplement Microsoft Office X and the individual Office X
programs. You can install these components by using the Value Pack Installer,
located in the Value Pack folder on the Microsoft Office X CD-ROM or the
network volume from which you installed Office. For information about
components of the Value Pack, see the Guide to the Value Pack, also located in
the Value Pack folder.
5 More Help
For additional technical assistance, you can get support
information on the Web at:
You can also contact Microsoft Product Support Services by phone
at (425) 454-2030 in the United States and at (905) 568-2294 in
For information about deploying, configuring, or supporting
Microsoft Office X in an organization, see the Microsoft Office X for Mac
Resource Kit on the Web at: