When you use the
DiskPart text-mode command interpreter (Diskpart.exe) and you select a
mirrored volume and then use the
break command to break the mirrored volume in two volumes, you may
receive one of the following error messages:
arguments you specified for this command are not valid.
The disk management services could not
complete the operation.
To resolve this behavior, use the
disk parameter to refer to the missing disk, and use the
nokeep parameter.
Without the
nokeep parameter, the
break command tries to convert both mirrors to simple volumes,
retaining the data. If one of the disks is missing, this is not possible. By
using the
nokeep parameter, you retain only one half of the mirror as a simple
volume, and the other half is deleted and converted to free space. Neither
volume receives the focus.
For example, select the mirrored volume,
issue the "detail volume" command, then break the mirror as follows:
diskpart> List Volume
Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
Volume 0 D data_vol NTFS Mirror 737 KB Failed Rd
Volume 1 C system NTFS Simple 3000 MB Boot
diskpart> select volume 0
Volume 0 is the selected volume.
Diskpart> detail volume
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
---------- ------- ------- --- --- ---
Disk 1 Online 1023 MB 737 KB *
Disk M0 Missing 1022 MB 0 B *
In this example, the correct command to break the mirrored volume
Diskpart> break disk=m0 nokeep
After you issue this command, the mirror on Disk 1 is converted to
a simple volume, and the reference to the missing mirror is deleted from the
Logical Disk Management (LDM) database.