Logging registry entries
Warning Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.
The following REG_DWORD entries under the
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software registry subkey are relevant to logging:
- TraceInitSeconds
- TraceCircularLines
- TraceLevel
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\TraceInitSeconds registry subkey specifies the number of seconds to capture startup logging when the OnePoint service is started. The default value is 0x3c (60 seconds). This value controls the length of time that data is written to the x(init).mc8 log file.
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\TraceCircularLines registry subkey specifies the number of lines to keep in each log iteration. The default value is 0xc350 (50000 decimal). For example, as a log file reaches this maximum size, after the initial iteration, the OnePointService(B).mc8 log file is renamed to the OnePointService(A).mc8 log file, and a new OnePointService(B).mc8 log file is written.
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\TraceLevel registry subkey specifies verbosity or how much information is written to the log files. The maximum level is 9. The minimum level is 0. By default, logging is disabled with a setting of 0xFFFFFFFF. To enable logging, change the TraceLevel value from 0xFFFFFFFF to a value from 0 through 9. Microsoft recommends that you start with a value of 0x6.
Agent logging
You can use Agent logs to troubleshoot problems with the MOM 2000 Agent.
If the computer is a MOM 2000 Agent only, the logs are written to one of the following locations:
- %windir%\Temp\Mission Critical Software\
If the service is running under the Local System account credentials. - Documents and Settings\Agent service account\Local Settings\Temp\Mission Critical Software\
If the service is running under the credentials of a specific account.
The log files have the following names:
This is the initial log file. -
This is the first iteration of the log file. -
This is the second iteration of the log file.
If the agent is installed on a computer that also has the role of Data Access Server, Consolidator, and Agent Manager (DCAM), the Agent logs are combined with the DCAM logs. The logs are still found in the same locations.
Consolidator logging
You can use Consolidator logs to troubleshoot problems with the MOM 2000 Consolidator component. The Consolidator logs are in the Documents and Settings\
MOM_service_account\Local Settings\Temp\Mission Critical Software folder. The log files have the following names:
- OnePointService(Init).mc8
This is the initial log file. - OnePointService(B).mc8
This is the first iteration of the log file. -
This is the second iteration of the log file.
Agent Manager logging
You can use the Agent Manager logs to troubleshoot problems with the MOM 2000 Agent Manager component. The Agent Manager logs are in the %windir%\Temp folder and have the following names:
This is the most current file. - Am1.mc8
- Am2.mc8
- ..
- Am8.mc8
This is the oldest file.
Database Access Server (DAS) logging
You can use the DAS log to troubleshoot problems with the MOM 2000 DAS component or the OnePoint database.
The DAS log is located in the %Windir%\System32\ folder. This component logs only when the TraceLevel entry is set in the registry under the
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\TraceLevel registry subkey. Only errors are logged. Routine successes are not logged.
You can also set up DAS logging to write to the DASlog table in the OnePoint database. To do this, change the value of the following registry subkey
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\DASServer\LoggingFlags
from the default value of
0 to a value of
Caution MOM 2000 does not automatically groom the DASlog table. When you finish troubleshooting, remember to truncate this table and to set the LoggingFlags value back to 0.
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) logging
You can use MMC logs to troubleshoot problems with the MOM 2000 Administrator console. MMC logs are located in the Documents and Settings\
UserName\Local Settings\Temp\Mission Critical Software folder and have the following names:
- MMC(Init).mc8
This is the initial log. - MMC(B).mc8
This is the first iteration. - MMC(A).mc8
This is the second iteration.
Component installation logging
Use the following log file to troubleshoot a DCAM installation:
Program Files\Microsoft Operations Manager 2000\OperationsInstall.log
Use the following log file to troubleshoot a MOM Agent installation:
Program Files\Microsoft Operations Manager 2000\AgentInstall.log