Page 8: Incorrect Reference To SQL Client
On page 8, in the Visual Basic .NET code sample, the first comment references the SQL Client .NET Data Provider.
"Open and close a connection using the SQL Client .NET Data Provider."
"Open and close a connection using the OLE DB .NET Data Provider.
Page 34: ContactTitle Should Be ContactName
On page 34, in the final paragraph of the Selecting Columns to Display section,
"... select just the CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactTitle, and Phone fields ..."
"... select just the CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, and Phone fields ..."
Page 77: Incorrect Reference To Figure 3-9
On page 77, in the final paragraph of the section Creating Connections Using the Toolbox,
"(Figure 3-9 shows an example.)"
"(Figure 3-10 shows an example.)"
Page 218: ReadOnly Mentioned Twice
On page 218, in the last sentence of the first paragraph under the "Try This at Home..." box, the ReadOnly property is listed twice. The second instance should be removed.
Page 273: DataSet Should Be DataTable
On page 273, in the BeginInit and EndInit Methods section, all references to the DataSet object should be changed to the DataTable object.
Page 276: DataSet Should Be DataTable
On page 276, in the GetChanges Method section, the two references to DataSet objects should be changed to DataTable objects.
Page 365: Incorrect Event
On page 365, in the first sentence of the The ListChanged Event of the DataView Object section, change:
"The DataView object has one event, ListEvent..."
"The DataView object has one event, ListChanged..."
Page 385: Error In Code Sample
There is an error in the first code sample on page 385.
"rowDetail = tblDetails.Find(new object[] {10245, 7});"
"rowDetail = tblDetails.Rows.Find(new object[] {10245, 7});"
Page 457: Scale Property Is Omitted
On page 457, in the paragraph immediately before the Note box, change:
"...Size, Precision, and Size properties, ..."
"...Size, Precision, and Scale properties,..."
Pages 470-471: UpdatedDataSource Should Be UpdatedRowSource
On page 470, the header for the section "The Command Object's UpdatedDataSource Property" should be "The Command Object's UpdatedRowSource Property".
In addition, on pages 470 and 471, the five references to "UpdatedDataSource" in the section following table 11-1 should be changed to "UpdatedRowSource".
Page 550: XLST Should Be XSLT
On page 550, in the section Applying an XSLT Transform, second paragraph, there is a reference to XLST. Change this to XSLT.
Page 571: Incorrect Word
On page 571, in the third paragraph of the section Step 5: Adding Add and Delete Buttons, change:
"If you remove add an item..."
"If you add an item..."
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate
books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for
inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing
of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.