HOW TO: Display Breaks for Null Data in an Office Web Component Line Chart (326103)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components
  • Microsoft Office XP Web Components

This article was previously published under Q326103


This article describes how to chart null data points in the Chart control of Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC).

The technique in this article describes how you can use the Chart rendering events of the component to plot a discontinuous line chart that omits or skips null data points. This technique works only with line type or scatter type charts. For additional information about working with a chart type other than line or scatter, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

286317 HOWTO: Create Null (or Omitted) Data Points with the Office Chart Component

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Plot a Discontinuous Line

The following sample code demonstrates how to plot a discontinuous line. Data points where the value is null are omitted in the line. The sample code uses a line chart, but the same technique can be used with a scatter chart.
  1. Use a text editor or an HTML editor to create a new Web page. Name the Web page MyChart.htm and include the following contents:
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
    <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <title>New Page 1</title>
    <object classid="clsid: <Class Identifier of Chart Control>" id="chsp" 
    <!-- Replace the Class ID in the above line of code with the Class ID of the chart control being used-->
    width="689" height="652">
     <p style='margin-top:100;font-family:Arial;font-size:8.0pt'>To use this Web
     page interactively, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 Service
     Pack 1 (SP1) or later and the Microsoft Office XP Web Components or later.</p>
     <a href="file:///\\files\owc\setup.exe">Click here to install the Office XP
     Web Components.</a>
     <p style='margin-top:100;font-family:Arial;font-size:8.0pt'>See the <a
     Office Web site</a> for more information.</p>
    <object id="Spreadsheet1"
     classid="CLSID: <Class Identifier of Spreadsheet Control>">
     <param name=DisplayTitleBar value=false>
     <param name=DataType value=XMLData>
      <param name=XMLData
     value="<?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?>&#13;&#10;
    <Author>Microsoft Corporation</Author>&#13;&#10;  
    <Company>Microsoft Corporation</Company>&#13;&#10;  
    <LocationOfComponents HRef=&quot;file:///\\&quot;/>&#13;&#10; 
    <Style ss:ID=&quot;Default&quot; ss:Name=&quot;Normal&quot;>&#13;&#10;  
    <Alignment ss:Vertical=&quot;Bottom&quot;/>&#13;&#10;   
      <Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount=&quot;256&quot; 
        <Location x:HRef=&quot;C:\Documents and 
    <SCRIPT language=VBScript>
    Dim chartLeft,chartRight
    Const useMarker = True
    Sub window_onload()
      Dim webConst
      Dim newChart
        Set webConst = chsp.Constants
      ' Enable the events on the chart control
        chsp.EnableEvents = True
        chsp.AllowRenderEvents = True
        chsp.AllowPointRenderEvents = True
      ' Bind the chart to the spreadsheet
        Set chsp.DataSource = Spreadsheet1
        Set newChart = chsp.Charts.Add()
        newChart.Type = chChartTypeLine 
      ' Rely on certain information specific to line types
        newChart.SetData webConst.chDimCategories, 0, "a1:a6"
        newChart.SeriesCollection(0).SetData webConst.chDimValues, 0, "b1:b6"
        chsp.HasChartSpaceTitle = True
        chsp.ChartSpaceTitle.caption = "Do not plot null data points."
    End Sub
    Sub chsp_AfterRender(drawObj,chartObj)
      Dim webConst
      Dim oPoint
      Dim preCoorX,preCoorY
      Dim coor
        Set webConst = chsp.Constants
        If TypeName(chartObj) = "ChSeries" Then
        ' Initialize the starting point
          preCoorX = chartObj.Left
          preCoorY = 0
        ' Set the Line style that you want
          drawObj.Line.DashStyle = webConst.chLineSolid
          For each oPoint in  chartObj.Points
          ' Do not draw a Line If Null
            If(oPoint.GetValue(webConst.chDimValues) <> "") Then
              Set coor = _
    chartObj.valuetopoint(oPoint.GetValue(webConst.chDimCategories), _
              If preCoorY > 0 Then
                drawObj.DrawLine preCoorX, preCoorY, coor.x, coor.y
                ' Point to point Line
                If useMarker Then
                  drawObj.DrawRectangle coor.x - 5, coor.y + 5, _
    coor.x + 5, coor.y - 5
                End If ' useMarker
              ' Draw only the marker
                If useMarker Then
                  drawObj.DrawRectangle coor.x - 5, coor.y + 5, _
    coor.x + 5, coor.y - 5
                End If ' useMarker
              End If 'preCoorY > 0
              '  Set the starting coordinates
                preCoorX = coor.x
                preCoorY = coor.y
    	    ' Skip the Line If null by setting the starting y to zero.
    	      preCoorY = 0 
            End If ' (oPoint.GetValue(webConst.chDimValues) <> "")
          Next 'oPoint 
        End If 'TypeName(chartObj) = "ChSeries" 
    End sub
    sub chsp_BeforeRender(drawObj,chartObj, Cancel)
        If TypeName(chartObj)="ChSeries" Then
        ' This prevents the chart from rendering its typical line plot
          Cancel.Value = true	
        End If ' typename(chartObj)="ChSeries"
    End sub

    Note Replace the <Class Identifier of Chart Control> and <Class Identifier of Spreadsheet Control> in the above code with the Class ID of the chart control and spreadsheet control being used.

    For Microsoft Office Chart 10.0

    For Microsoft Office Spreadsheet 10.0
  2. Start Microsoft Internet Explorer and then move to MyChart.htm.
  3. After the page renders in Internet Explorer, you notice a chart that contains one line series. The line contains a break where the data is NULL. The chart is bound to the Spreadsheet data. The value for "Pears" in cell B3 is NULL.
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Troubleshoot the Client Computer

The client computer may report the following error message:
"Error: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'chsp.Constants'"
This error message means that the system does not have OWC 10 or OWC 11 installed. To install the Microsoft Office XP Web Components on the client, visit the following Microsoft Web site: To install the Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
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For more information about using Office XP Web components, visit the following Microsoft Web Site:

Microsoft Office Development with Visual Studio

For additional information, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

286212 HOWTO: Use an XML DataSource with the Office XP Chart Component

288907 INFO: Binding the Office XP Chart Component to a Data Source

303016 HOW TO: Use a DataSet with the Office XP Chart Component and ASP.NET

315695 HOW TO: Use the Office XP Web Components with XML Data Generated by an XML Web Service Created Using ASP.NET

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Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/8/2006
Keywords:kbdownload kbHOWTOmaster kbOfficeWebChart KB326103