Session Summary
During this WebCast, we will discuss various tools that
can be used to troubleshoot and isolate data access development problems. This
session will be a quick guide for developers to learn how to troubleshoot those
problems. Developers will find descriptions and references for most of the
important troubleshooting steps and tools that they can use to solve various
development problems.
This is a
300 session that was recorded January 21, 2002 and presented by
Ammar Abuthuraya. Ammar Abuthuraya is a Developer Support Professional in the
Microsoft Visual C++ Web Data team. He joined Microsoft more than four years
ago. During this period, Ammar has worked on various data access technologies
within both Visual Basic and Visual C++ development environments. He is
currently the Training Lead for the Visual C++ Web Data
Viewing the Presentation
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this Support Webcast (Length: 1 hour 16 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation wcd012102. This is a 565-KB Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the slides, use
Viewer (2,752 KB).
No written transcript is available for this
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