Session Summary
During this session, we will discuss Remote Assistance
and System Restore. We will also talk about the connection process when you use
Remote Assistance. In addition, we will review the common problems that you may
encounter when connecting. We will also talk about System Restore, and what it
will and will not restore.
This is a
200 session that was recorded September 27, 2001 and presented by
Jamir Correa and Rami Munder. Jamir joined Microsoft in 2000 and has provided
support for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows CE.
He joined the Whistler Beta Project in November 2000, where he stayed from Beta
1 through RTM, focusing mainly on PCHealth. He recently joined the Windows XP
Jenga team, where he will provide training, support, and mentoring for Windows
XP. Rami Munder started working at Microsoft in January 2000 and has been on
the PSS Performance team supporting Windows 2000 since April 2000. He started
working on the Windows XP Beta project in April 2001, focusing on Performance,
System Monitor, User State Migration tools, and Remote Assistance. Rami
graduated from Texas A&M University in December of 1999.
Viewing the Presentation

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this Support Webcast (Length: 1 hour 20 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation wc092701. This is a 504-KB Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the slides, use
Viewer (2,752 KB).
the transcript from this Support WebCast
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