Session Summary
In this session, we will discuss how to perform a basic
mail merge in Microsoft Word 2000. We will cover all of the components needed,
how to complete the steps, and variations and output formats for a mail merge,
as well as some troubleshooting tips.
This is a
100 session that was recorded November 2, 2000 and presented by
Peggy Marple and Molly Calvello. Peggy Marple joined Microsoft as a Support
Professional in August 1990. She has been involved with the support of Word for
Windows since Word version 1.1 in many different roles, including developing
and delivering training.
Molly Calvello has been at Microsoft as a
Word Support Professional for three and one-half years. During that time, she
has been involved in developing and delivering training, and has created
content for the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
Viewing the Presentation
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this Support Webcast (Length: 53 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation WC110200.ppt. This is a 837-KB Microsoft PowerPoint
(.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the
slides, use the
Viewer (2,752 KB).
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