Session Summary
In this session, we will discuss installing the Access
Security Manager and describe its main features. The Access Security Manager is
able to create logs of a database's security state and then set the database's
security from any desired log.
This is a
200 session that was recorded November 17, 2000 and presented by
Rudy Torrico and Laura May.
Rudy Torrico joined Microsoft as an
Access Support Professional in June 1993, just prior to the release of version
1.1. Rudy designed and wrote the Security Manager, which is available from the
Microsoft Download site. He currently specializes in security and replication
Laura May joined Microsoft in November 1997 on a contract
basis and became a Microsoft employee in December 1999. She has specialized in
the replication and the security areas of the product, focused primarily on the
replication side of the product. As part of that focus, she has developed and
delivered training on the replication topic in both Access 97 and Access 2000.
Viewing the Presentation
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this Support Webcast (Length: 57 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation WC111700.ppt. This is a 6,940-KB Microsoft PowerPoint
(.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the
slides, use the
Viewer (2,752 KB).
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