XADM: The Information Store Starts an Infinite Loop If the Content Locator Value Is Empty (325123)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server

This article was previously published under Q325123


Under typical circumstances, the Exchange 2000 information store process (Store.exe) may stop responding (hang). If you obtain a user dump file of the information store process and the correct debug symbols are installed, the resulting dump file may contain a thread stack that is similar to:

# ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child              
00 22812ffc 77a64d27 000cdbe0 228132c8 228132c8 OLE32!GetCurrentApartmentId
01 22813258 77a64bed 00000000 00000000 00000000 OLE32!CClassCache::CDllPathEntry::MakeValidInApartment_rl16+0x17
02 22813278 77a64992 228132e8 00000001 22813340 OLE32!CClassCache::CDllClassEntry::GetClassInterface+0x7a
03 228132b4 77a6486f 00000001 000ccc48 228132e8 OLE32!CClassCache::GetClassObjectActivator+0x1bf
04 228132e0 77a62f7a 228132c8 2281337c 00000000 OLE32!CClassCache::SearchForLoadedClass+0x44
05 22813390 77a62ed7 610d7098 00000000 00000003 OLE32!ICoCreateInstanceEx+0xc9
06 228133b8 77a6320a 610d7098 00000000 00000003 OLE32!CoCreateInstanceEx+0x2b
07 228133e8 610d7080 610d7098 00000000 00000003 OLE32!CoCreateInstance+0x35
08 2281340c 610d6fe8 22813428 00000000 228135ac exmime!CMimeInternational::_LoadMLANG2+0x29 
09 2281342c 610d6f3f 00000000 00006faf 000004b0 exmime!CMimeInternational::_ConvertINetString+0x19 
0a 2281346c 610d6e2f 00006faf 000004b0 00000000 exmime!CMimeInternational::HrConvertString+0x66 
0b 2281353c 610d7104 001ae570 22813554 00000000 exmime!CMimeInternational::HrDecodeHeader+0x161
0c 22813564 610d5bc0 22813700 26953910 228135ac exmime!CMimeInternational::HrDecodeProperty+0x51
0d 22813588 610d5ad6 22813700 26953910 228135ac exmime!Internat_StringA_To_StringW+0x6a
0e 228135c8 610d52c2 22813700 26953910 228137a8 exmime!StringA_To_StringW+0x5f
0f 22813718 610d5465 2699dcc0 61107990 00000000 exmime!HrConvertVariant+0xf5
10 22813748 610d51bf 26953910 00000000 228137a8 exmime!CMimePropertyContainer::HrConvertVariant+0x51
11 22813768 610d50ce 26953910 00000000 228137a8 exmime!CMimePropertyContainer::_HrGetPropertyValue+0x7a
12 2281378c 610d514f 26953910 00000000 228137a8 exmime!CMimePropertyContainer::GetPropA+0x7d
13 228137c0 610d551d 2699dab8 61107990 00000000 exmime!CMimePropertyContainer::GetPropA+0x7f
14 228137e0 00446cfd 2690b608 26a2b5e8 00000018 exmime!CMessageTree::GetBodyProp+0x4c
15 22813804 00465563 042a2c00 000144f1 00000018 store!CMimeMessageOut::GetBodyProp+0x90
16 22813878 004ce114 000144f1 04841808 000000ff store!HrGetPartialMimeUrl+0x5e
17 228138bc 004cc45f 042a2c00 045ce764 000144f1 store!HrGetMimeSubUrl+0x58
18 22813904 004cc28e 042a2c00 000144f1 00000001 store!CIMailUrlMessage::HrGetSubUrl+0x15c
19 22813928 004cc20f 042a2c00 000144f1 00000001 store!CIMailUrlMessage::HrSaveSubUrl+0x22
1a 22813950 004cc0ed 00000000 042a2c00 000144f1 store!CIMailUrlMessage::HrEnumUrls+0x2d
1b 2281398c 004cc024 000044f1 00000000 22813a00 store!CIMailUrlMessage::EnumUrls+0x151
1c 228139a0 004cbfec 00000000 22813a00 22813a04 store!OURL::EcEnumUrls+0x15
1d 228139c8 619816d1 00000000 22813a00 22813a04 store!EcEnumURLsOp+0x5b
1e 228139e0 619812dc 00000264 00000000 22813a00 EXOLEDB!CStoreLogon::ScEnumURLs+0x46
1f 22813a3c 61981615 04175fe0 00000264 00000000 EXOLEDB!ScBuildAttachListFromMime+0x34
20 22813ab0 61981615 04175fe0 00000264 00000000 EXOLEDB!ScBuildAttachListFromMime+0x18b
21 22813b24 61981615 04175fe0 00000264 00000000 EXOLEDB!ScBuildAttachListFromMime+0x18b
------------------- The EXOLEDB!ScBuildAttachListFromMime+0x18b function call for 4313 time. -------------------
10f7 2288dc1c 61981615 04175fe0 00000264 00000000 EXOLEDB!ScBuildAttachListFromMime+0x18b
10f8 2288dc90 6196c58f 04175fe0 00000264 00000000 EXOLEDB!ScBuildAttachListFromMime+0x18b
10f9 2288dd44 6196bd1b 04175fe0 00000277 00000264 EXOLEDB!ScMarshalAttachmentTables+0xde
10fa 2288de94 6196b5a6 04175fe0 05c0c760 00000020 EXOLEDB!ScSendMessageData+0xeb0
10fb 2288deec 6196b343 2288f030 02000305 04175fe0 EXOLEDB!ScProcessWebMailMessageGet+0x705
10fc 2288df50 61963484 61963aea 00000000 2288f030 EXOLEDB!CGetRequest::ScDoWebMailMessageGet+0x11a
10fd 2288df54 61963aea 00000000 2288f030 77e8f099 EXOLEDB!CGetRequest::ScDoWebMailGet+0x66
10fe 2288df78 619637ad 77e8f099 61963f50 04175fe0 EXOLEDB!CGetRequest::ScExecute+0x22a
10ff 2288effc 6195dfb8 2288f030 00000000 77e8f099 EXOLEDB!ScCmdGet+0x23
1100 2288f01c 6195dbc0 2288f030 0c1644f4 128a0610 EXOLEDB!ScDispatchRequest+0x20b
1101 2288fed0 6195da9a 128a0610 0c1644f0 128a0600 EXOLEDB!CDavServer::ProcessItem+0x94
1102 2288fee8 62f22036 0c1644f4 00000609 0c16444d EXOLEDB!CDavServer::HrEpoxyReqHandler+0x74
1103 2288ff14 62f21de2 00000001 77e836d5 00000000 EPOXY!CEpoxyQ::DispatchRequest+0xbd
1104 2288ff5c 62f2225f 00000000 0c1644f0 00000000 EPOXY!CEpoxyQ::IOCPNotification+0x125
1105 2288ff6c 61bd1247 00000000 00000000 2e015f40 EPOXY!CEpoxyQ::Invoke+0x13
1106 2288ffb4 77e96523 04349300 2e015f40 00000000 MDBTASK!MdbTaskPoolThread+0x22
1107 2288ffec 00000000 61bd1174 04349300 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadStart+0x52


This problem occurs because of stack overflow. This stack overflow is caused by recursion calls and NULL pointers that never advance to "Next" in the linked list.


To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

301378 XGEN: How to Obtain the Latest Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack

Component: Information store

The English version of this fix has the file attributes (or later) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in coordinated universal time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
   Date          Time    Version       Size        File name
   01-JUL-2002   13:56   6.0.5771.21      70,144   Ccmproxy.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:35   6.0.5771.21     676,352   Davex.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21      31,648   Drviis.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21     578,116   Dsaccess.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:38   6.0.5771.21     180,736   Dscmsg.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:34   6.0.5771.21   2,208,256   Ese.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:34   6.0.5771.21      41,472   Eseperf.dll
   10-FEB-2001   13:23   6.0.5771.21       6,946   Eseperf.hxx
   01-JUL-2002   14:34   6.0.5771.21     388,673   Eseperf.ini
   01-JUL-2002   14:43   6.0.5771.21   3,518,976   Excdo.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21      90,688   Eximap4.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:56   6.0.5771.21   1,860,096   Exmgmt.exe
   01-JUL-2002   13:28   6.0.5771.21     172,544   Exnntp.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:35   6.0.5771.21   1,688,064   Exoledb.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21      33,344   Expop3.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21      33,344   Exproto.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:35   6.0.5771.21     209,408   Exprox.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:30   6.0.5771.21     135,680   Exres.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:36   6.0.5771.21     295,424   Exsmtp.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:40   6.0.5771.21     717,312   Exsp.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:56   6.0.5771.21   1,339,904   Exwmi.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:40   6.0.5771.21      41,472   Febecfg.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21      33,340   Iisif.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:33   6.0.5771.21     131,648   Iisproto.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:33   6.0.5771.21      62,016   Imap4be.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:43   6.0.5771.21     320,000   Imap4evt.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:40   6.0.5771.21     127,488   Imap4fe.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21     127,552   Imap4svc.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:56   6.0.5771.21      74,240   Inproxy.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21      41,532   Jcb.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:56   6.0.5771.21   2,949,632   Mad.exe
   01-JUL-2002   14:31   6.0.5771.21     782,848   Madmsg.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:55   6.0.5771.21   2,249,216   Mdbmsg.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:00   6.0.5771.21     897,536   Mdbsz.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:37   6.0.5771.21      82,432   Msgtrack.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:28   6.0.5771.21     147,968   Nntpex.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:56   6.0.5771.21      78,336   Pcproxy.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:30   6.0.5771.21     377,412   Phatcat.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21      37,440   Pop3be.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:43   6.0.5771.21     303,616   Pop3evt.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:40   6.0.5771.21      25,088   Pop3fe.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:30   6.0.5771.21      74,304   Pop3svc.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:43   6.0.5771.21     164,352   Protomsg.dll
   01-JUL-2002   14:32   6.0.5771.21   4,547,136   Store.exe
   01-JUL-2002   13:28   6.0.5771.21      66,048   Tokenm.dll
   01-JUL-2002   13:56   6.0.5771.21      94,720   X400prox.dll
NOTE: Becuase of file dependencies, this update requires Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 2.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. This problem was first corrected in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 3.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:9/27/2005
Keywords:kbHotfixServer kbQFE kbbug kbExchange2000preSP3fix kbExchange2000sp3fix kbfix KB325123