Session Summary
This session will present an overview of how to use the
basic feature set of the PivotTable and PivotChart features in Microsoft Access
2002. Microsoft Access 2002 introduces PivotTable and PivotChart views to
tables, queries, views, stored procedures, functions, and forms. You can now
perform data analysis and build rich PivotTable and PivotChart views more
quickly than ever before.
This is a
100 session that was recorded August 16, 2001 and presented by Keith
Fink. Keith Fink is a senior support professional on the Microsoft Access team. He
joined Microsoft in 1993, and has supported Microsoft Access since the release
of version 1.0. He specializes in Access programmability, core features, and
PivotTable/PivotChart integration. Keith supported the beta releases of
Microsoft Access versions 2000 and 2002, and now splits his time between
supporting Microsoft Access customers, and writing Access-related content. He
has written a white paper about binding forms and reports to ADO recordsets, as
well as over 250 Knowledge Base articles about Microsoft Access.
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this Support Webcast (Length: 1 hour 18 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation WC081601.ppt. This is a 481-KB Microsoft PowerPoint
(.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the
slides, use the
Viewer (2,752 KB).
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