Session Summary
In this session, we will discuss common combo box usage
in a Microsoft Access database. This session will cover what combo boxes are,
how they are created, and the distinct properties of a combo box. It will also
introduce various uses, such as how to find records based on selections, as
well as other interesting combo box tips.
This is a
200 session that was recorded August 3, 2000 and presented by Dale
Dixon and Steve Parsons. Dale Dixon joined Microsoft as a support professional
in October 1995. He has been involved in developing multimedia for several
projects and is now involved in developing a training-based Web site for the
OCS Unit. Since starting at Microsoft, Dale has focused on Microsoft Access
support and training. He currently works for Product Support Services,
delivering customer support solutions.
Viewing the Presentation

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this Support Webcast (Length: 35 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation WC080300.ppt. This is a 1.07-MB Microsoft PowerPoint
(.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the
slides, use the
Viewer (2,752 KB).
the transcript from this Support WebCast
a friend about this Support WebCast
Supplemental reading:
Knowledge Base Articles
- Q105519 - ACC: How to Make a Combo Box Default to First
Item in List
- Q209011 - ACC2000: How to Start Macros, Functions, and
Applications from a Combo or List Box
- Q209595 - ACC2000: How to Synchronize Two Combo Boxes on a
- Q209537 - ACC2000: Four Ways to Move to a Record from a
Combo Box Selection
- Q161007 - ACC: Use NotInList Event to Add a Record to Combo
Box (95/97)
- Q139039 - ACC: How to Include a Null Selection in a Combo
Box List
Microsoft Press Books - Microsoft Access 2000/Visual Basic for Applications
- Programming Microsoft Access 2000
- Microsoft Access 2000 Step by Step
- Running Microsoft Access 2000
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