Session Summary
In this presentation, you will hear about the
development practice of accessing Component Object Model (COM) objects from
ASP.NET. Because of the investment many developers have placed in COM, using it
with newly created .NET applications is critical. You will learn about specific
guidelines that help developers better use existing COM objects. This will
include general .NET interoperability, migration versus interoperability,
development considerations that are specific to ASP.NET, security and
permissions management, and deployment.
This is a
200 session that was recorded June 20, 2002 and presented by Jack
Bradham. Jack Bradham is a native of Charlotte, NC, where he works as a
Newsgroup Lead and developer support professional for ASP.NET. He worked as a beta
engineer in the development of ASP.NET and continues to work with the
ASP/ASP.NET team that he joined several years ago.
Viewing the Presentation

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this Support Webcast (Length: 1 hour 8 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation WC062002.ppt. This is a 432-KB Microsoft PowerPoint
(.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the
slides, use the
Viewer (2,752 KB).
the transcript from this Support WebCast
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