For a list of the settings for the different operating
systems that you can configure by using Powercfg.exe, type
powercfg /? at a command prompt. You can configure many Power Options
settings in the Windows Server 2003 family.
This article lists all the parameters
that are available in the Windows Server 2003 family.
NOTE: You can use Powercfg.exe to configure computers if you perform
an unattended Setup or if you use scripts after the installation.
Powercfg.exe is designed to work on the Windows Server 2003
family. It may work on other operating systems, such as Windows 2000; however,
Microsoft does not guarantee that it will work on other operating systems and
does not support its use. If you use this tool on other operating systems, use
it at your own risk. To view the parameters that you can use with Powercfg.exe,
powercfg /? at a command prompt or search the Help files for "powercfg."
Syntax for Powercfg.exe
powercfg [/list | /query [name] | /create name | /delete name | /setactive name | /change name settings | /hibernate [on|off] | /export name [/file filename] | /import name [/file file_name] | /globalpowerflag [on|off] /option:flag | /?]
Parameters for Powercfg.exe
/list, /l
Use these parameters to display a list of all the available
existing power schemes on the computer. The same list is available on the
Power Schemes tab of the Power Options tool in Control Panel.
example, if you use the
/list parameter, the following default schemes appear:
- Max Battery
- Minimal Power Management
- Always On
- Presentation
- Portable/Laptop
- Home/Office
If you have added other schemes to the computer, these schemes
appear on the list.
/query, /q
Use the following command to query each scheme to find out the
For example, if you run
powercfg /query "always on", the settings for the Always On scheme appear.
NOTE If the scheme name contains a space, you must enclose the scheme
name in quotes.
If you do not specify a particular scheme, the
default scheme settings appear. For example, if you run
powercfg /query, the settings of the current scheme appear. The current scheme is
listed in the Power Options tool in Control Panel.
The following
list contains examples of output from a three different queries:
- powercfg /query "home/office desk":
Field Description Value
----------------- -----
Name Home/Office Desk
Numerical ID 0
Turn off monitor (AC) After 20 mins
Turn off monitor (DC) After 5 mins
Turn off hard disks (AC) Never
Turn off hard disks (DC) After 10 mins
System standby (AC) Never
System standby (DC) After 5 mins
System hibernates (AC) Never
System hibernates (DC) After 20 mins
Processor Throttle (AC) NONE
Processor Throttle (DC) ADAPTIVE
- powercfg /query "max battery"
Field Description Value
----------------- -----
Name Max Battery
Numerical ID 5
Turn off monitor (AC) After 15 mins
Turn off monitor (DC) After 1 mins
Turn off hard disks (AC) Never
Turn off hard disks (DC) After 3 mins
System standby (AC) After 20 mins
System standby (DC) After 2 mins
System hibernates (AC) After 45 mins
System hibernates (DC) After 60 mins
Processor Throttle (AC) ADAPTIVE
Processor Throttle (DC) DEGRADE
- powercfg /query
Field Description Value
----------------- -----
Name Always On
Numerical ID 3
Turn off monitor (AC) After 20 mins
Turn off monitor (DC) After 15 mins
Turn off hard disks (AC) Never
Turn off hard disks (DC) After 30 mins
System standby (AC) Never
System standby (DC) Never
System hibernates (AC) Never
System hibernates (DC) Never
Processor Throttle (AC) NONE
Processor Throttle (DC) NONE
NOTE: The settings are always displayed in minutes. If you want
configure a setting for two hours, enter 120 minutes.
You can use the
powercfg /query number /numerical command to query the schemes by number instead of by name. You
receive the same output that you do if you query by name. The following list
contains the numbers for each scheme:
- 5: Max Battery
- 4: Minimal Power Management
- 3: Always On
- 2: Presentation
- 1: Portable/Laptop
- 0: Home/Office
If you add or remove schemes, the numbering may change.
/create, /c
Use these parameters to create a power scheme with a specified
name. The new scheme is created with the properties of the currently active
/delete, /d
Use these parameters to delete the power scheme with the
specified name.
/setactive, /s
Use these parameters to make the power scheme with the specified
name active.
/change, /x
Use these parameters to change settings of the specified power
scheme. You can use the following additional parameters to specify the changes:
- /monitor-timeout-ac minutes
Use this parameter to turn the monitor off after the
specified number of minutes when the computer is operating on AC power. Use a
value of 0 to turn off the timeout. - /monitor-timeout-dc minutes
Use this parameter to turn the monitor off after the
specified number of minutes when the computer is operating on DC (battery)
power. Use a value of 0 to turn off the timeout. - /disk-timeout-ac minutes
Use this parameter to turn the hard disks off after the
specified number of minutes when the computer is operating on AC power. Use a
value of 0 to turn off the timeout. - /disk-timeout-dc minutes
Use this parameter to turn the hard disks off after the
specified number of minutes when the computer is operating on DC (battery)
power. Use a value of 0 to turn off the timeout. - /standby-timeout-ac minutes
Use this parameter to put the computer in standby mode after
the specified number of minutes when the computer is operating on AC power. Use
a value of 0 to turn off the timeout. - /standby-timeout-dc minutes
Use this parameter to put the computer in standby mode after
the specified number of minutes when the computer is operating on DC (battery)
power. Use a value of 0 to turn off the timeout. - /hibernate-timeout-ac minutes
Use this parameter to save the contents of the computer's
memory to disk and to turn off the computer after the specified number of
minutes when the computer is operating on AC power. Use a value of 0 to turn
off the timeout. - /hibernate-timeout-dc minutes
Use this parameter to save the contents of the computer's
memory to disk and to turn off the computer after the specified number of
minutes when the computer is operating on DC (battery) power. Use a value of 0
to turn off the timeout. - /processor-throttle-ac throttle [none | constant | degrade | adaptive]
Use this parameter to select the dynamic throttling policy
to be used when the computer is operating on AC power (if your microprocessor
supports processor performance state controls). Select the dynamic throttling
policy by using throttle and one of four additional parameters:
- none
This parameter causes the microprocessor to operate at the
highest performance state at all times. - constant
This parameter causes the microprocessor to operate at the
lowest performance state at all times. - degrade
This parameter causes the microprocessor to operate at the
lowest performance state and reduces performance by applying stop clock
throttling (also known as Linear Performance Reduction) as the computer battery
drains. You typically use this parameter when the computer is operating on
battery power and it is seldom used with /processor-throttle-ac. - adaptive
This parameter modifies the performance state that is
dynamically based on the demand the computer puts on the microprocessor
- /processor-throttle-dc throttle [none | constant | degrade | adaptive]
Use this parameter to select the dynamic throttling policy
to be used when the computer is operating on DC (battery) power (if your
microprocessor supports processor performance state controls). To set the
dynamic throttling policy, use throttle and one of
the four additional parameters that are listed under /processor-throttle-ac.
NOTES:- AC settings are used when the computer is running on AC
- DC settings are used when the computer is running on
battery power. The battery can be a either a laptop battery or a desktop on a
uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
- If you set the timeout value to 0, the corresponding
timeout feature is turned off.
/export, /e
Use this parameter to export the power scheme with the specified
name to a file. By default, the settings are exported to Scheme.pow if you do
not specify a file name. You can also use the
/file file_name parameter.
/import, /i
Use this parameter to import the power scheme from a file under
the specified name. By default, the settings are imported to Scheme.pow if you
do not specify a file name. If a scheme with that name already exists, it is
replaced with the new one. You can also use the
/file file_name parameter.
/hibernate, /h
Use this parameter to turn the hibernation feature on or off.
Hibernation timeout is not supported on all computers that support hibernation.
/numerical, /n
Use this parameter to allow the power scheme that you want to
operate on to be specified by using a numerical identifier. When you use this
parameter instead of the name of the power scheme on the command line, specify
its numerical identifier. You can use this parameter in combination with the
following parameters:
- /query
- /delete
- /setactive
- /change
- /export
- /import
/globalpowerflag, g
/globalpowerflag, /g [on | off] /option: [batteryicon | multibattery | resumepassword | wakeonring | videodim]
Use this command to turn the global power flag
features on or off. Use the first parameter to indicate whether to turn the
feature on or off. The
/option: parameter is mandatory and it is followed by the name of the
feature that you are turning on or off. You can use the following parameters
with this command:
- batteryicon
Use this parameter to turn on or turn off the battery meter
icon in the notification area. When this flag is cleared, the battery meter
icon does not appear. - multibattery
Use this parameter to turn on or turn off multiple battery
display in the computer Power Meter. - resumepassword
Use this parameter to turn on or turn off the requirement
that the user supply a password when the computer resumes from standby or
hibernation. - wakeonring
Use this parameter to turn on or turn off Wake on Ring
support. - videodim
Use this parameter to turn on or turn off support to dim the
video display when the computer changes from AC power to DC (battery)
/help, /?
Use this parameter to display information about the following
command-line parameters:
- powercfg /list
- powercfg /query scheme
- powercfg /query
- powercfg /create scheme
- powercfg /delete scheme
- powercfg /setactive scheme
- powercfg /change scheme /monitor-timeout-dc 15
- powercfg /change scheme /monitor-timeout-dc 0
- powercfg /hibernate on
- powercfg /export scheme /file file
- powercfg /query number /numerical
- powercfg /globalpowerflag on /option:batteryicon