This article contains a list of the OHotFix error codes 17300 through 17102 and their corresponding descriptions. Ohotfix.exe is a software program that is designed to help administrators deploy update files in their organizations. OHotFix works by reading a series of deployment instructions contained in an INI file, and then using those instructions to apply an update to the computer. OHotFix can also check programs on the computer to determine which updates must be applied, and it can order a group of update files so that an installation is optimized.
Previously, OHotFix and the Windows Installer update files (MSP files) were packaged together in the Microsoft Office client update releases. This separate release of OHotFix provides a stand-alone copy that can be used to deploy update files for both Microsoft Office 2000 and Office XP applications.
For more information or to download OHotFix, please visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For a list of the Microsoft Windows Installer error codes and return codes, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
290159 Listing of Windows Installer errors (1000-1999)
290161 Listing of Windows Installer errors (2000-2999)
307977 Listing of Office XP installation errors (25000-25999)
290158 List of error codes and error messages for Windows Installer processes in Office 2003 products and Office XP products