If the computer where the primary SNA Host Account Cache Service Master Database (MDB) resides is unavailable (down or off-line), and if the only other computer that is running a backup SNA Host Account Cache Service Secondary Database (SDB) is restarted during this time, all account look-ups to the SDB will fail after the SDB computer restarts and the SNA Host Account Cache Service shows as started.
For example, this problem occurs as follows:
- The computer where the MDB is running is taken off-line (or becomes unavailable).
- Account look-ups continue to work using the SDB.
- With the MDB off-line, the SDB computer is restarted.
- The backup SNA Host Account Cache Service indicates the SDB is available again to service account look-up requests.
- While the MDB is still off-line, any additional account look-ups to the SDB fail.
When the SDB computer starts, it tries to contact the MDB. If it cannot contact the MDB, the following warning event is recorded in the application log of the event viewer on the SDB computer:
Event ID: 1345 - Source: SNA Host Security
Unable to get Master database information. Please verify the network connection and Master status. Keep trying.
Because the SDB cannot contact the MDB, the next Single Sign-on (SSO) requests also fail.
The actual error message that an end-user sees during this time varies across applications, however, the following warning event is recorded in the application log of the event viewer on the SDB computer:
Event ID: 403 - Source: SNA Server
Single Sign-On request for domain\user failed - Could not locate a host account cache for host domain Host Security Domain Name.
The Event 403 message is logged when an account look-up request fails when trying to access the Host Account Cache (HAC). In this example, it cannot access the SDB, the reason for which is explained in the "More Information" section of this article.
For additional information about how an SDB is located, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
248479 Host Account Database Location for Single Sign-On
Before an SDB can service any account look-up requests, the following steps must complete:
- The backup SNA Host Account Cache Service contacts the primary SNA HAC Service where the MDB resides.
If the SDB cannot locate the MDB information (event 1345), then the remaining steps do not complete, and the result is that all SSO look-ups fail. - The local SDB synchronizes with the MDB.
- The SDB is initialized.
SSO account look-ups would continue to succeed in environments that contain other SDBs that have not been restarted while the MDB is off-line.