After you have identified potential conflicts in your site, you must fix them before you transfer the site to Windows. This document shows you how to make these changes quickly and easily.
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General Tips for All Fixes
To make your UNIX-based Web site compatible with a Windows environment, change the following elements of your Web site:
- Remove all of the spaces from the file names.
- Give all of the static files and scripts an extension.
- Use all lowercase, or title case, for the files.
- Rename files that have the same name in different cases by using names that are completely different.
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Fixing File and Path Conflicts Manually
For small sites, the easiest method to fix file and path conflicts is to edit the files manually. Edit each file in the site on the UNIX host. Update the necessary details as you go.
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Fixing File and Path Conflicts with a Web Environment
If you are using a Web-development environment, such as Microsoft FrontPage, you can rename individual files in a project and the changes are made across the whole project. This task is best handled by a Web-development environment under UNIX or by a Web-development environment where the files are currently stored on a UNIX host. Otherwise, file-name conflicts and case conflicts are impossible to resolve.
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Fixing File and Path Conflicts with a Script
If you have access to Perl or Python on your UNIX host, you can write a script that automatically changes the file name, the path of the file name, or other details across a range of files. For example, you can use Perl to change the reference from "index.html" to "Index.htm" in a group of files that end in the extension .html. To do so, use the following code:
Perl -i.bak -e "s/index.html/Index.htm/g" *.html
If you do not have access to Perl or Python, you can use the standard Stream Editor (sed utility) to make global changes in a file in a programmable format when you use the utility in combination with a shell script.
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For additional information about the file-name and path differences and how to identify potential problems, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
324054 HOW TO: Identify Potential File and Directory Problems in a UNIX-to-Windows Migration
For additional information about how to prepare to migrate data in a UNIX-to-Windows Migration, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
324538 HOW TO: Migrate Web Site Data in a UNIX-to-Windows Migration
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