How to create a "catchall" mailbox sink for Exchange Server (324021)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition
- Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003, Premium Edition
- Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003, Standard Edition
This article was previously published under Q324021 SUMMARY This article describes how to create an event sink to
capture all e-mail messages that are sent to a particular domain, and then
direct them to a single mailbox. Note The sample event sink described in this article redirects all
e-mail messages that are sent to a domain. For information about how to create
more complex event sinks, see the Exchange Software Development Kit (SDK).
Create the script files Create the following five scripts, and then store them in a
folder on the Exchange computer. Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements. Catchall.cmd The Catchall.cmd file calls the SMTPReg.vbs script and registers
the Catchall event sink. To create this .cmd file, follow these steps:
- Type or paste the following code into a text editor, such
as Notepad:
cscript smtpreg.vbs /add 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingCatchAll CDO.SS_SMTPOnArrivalSink "mail from=*"
cscript smtpreg.vbs /setprop 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingCatchAll Sink ScriptName d:\mec\catchall\catchall.vbs
cscript smtpreg.vbs /delprop 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingCatchAll Source Rule
Note Modify the path to the Catchall.vbs file to reflect the folder
location of the Catchall files. - Save the file as
Enum.cmd Run Enum.cmd to list event sinks that are registered on the
server. To create this file, follow these steps:
- Type or paste the following code into a text editor, such
as Notepad:
cscript smtpreg.vbs /enum |more
- Save the file as
Catchall.vbs The Catchall.vbs script is used to create the Catchall account.
Customize this file for your Exchange Server environment.
- Type or paste the following code into a text editor, such
as Notepad. Save this file as Catchall.vbs.
' For information about this namespace, see
Const RECIP_LIST = ""
' For information about the CdoEventStatus enumeration, see
' OnArrival sink entry point
Sub ISMTPOnArrival_OnArrival(ByVal Msg, EventStatus)
On Error Resume Next
Dim objFields
Set objFields = Msg.EnvelopeFields
objFields(RECIP_LIST).Value = FixupRecipList(objFields(RECIP_LIST).Value)
Msg.DataSource.Save ' Commit changes
End Sub
' Change any recipient(s) to
Function FixupRecipList(strList)
On Error Resume Next
Dim strFixedList
Dim nDomainPart
Dim nNamePart
Dim nNextAddress
strFixedList = strList
While (InStr(LCase(strFixedList),""))
nDomainPart = InStr(LCase(strFixedList),"")
nNamePart = InStrRev(strFixedList,";",nDomainPart)
nNextAddress = InStr(nDomainPart+Len(";"),strFixedList,"SMTP:")
If (0 = nNamePart) Then
' is first name in recipient list
If (0 = nNextAddress) Then
' is the last name in the recipient list
strFixedList = ";"
' is not the last name in the recipient list
strFixedList = ";" & Right(strFixedList,Len(strFixedList)-nNextAddress+1)
End If
' is not the first name in recipient list
If (0 = nNextAddress) Then
' is the last name in the recipient list
strFixedList = Left(strFixedList,nNamePart) & ";"
' is not the last name in the recipient list
strFixedList = Left(strFixedList,nNamePart) & ";" & Right(strFixedList,Len(strFixedList)-nNextAddress+1)
End If
End If
FixupRecipList = strFixedList
End Function
- Edit the Catchall.vbs file to replace occurrences of with, where is the domain from
which you want to redirect the e-mail messages.
- Replace all occurrences of
with the SMTP address of the mailbox to which you want to redirect all e-mail
messages for the domain that you specified in step 2.
Note The e-mail address to which you want to redirect all mail must be from a different domain than the domain from which you want to
redirect the e-mail messages. For example, if the domain that you specify in
step 2 is, the e-mail address that you
specify in step 3 cannot be If the
domains are the same, the message will continuously loop and will eventually be
returned to the sender as undeliverable.
If the recipient must have
an e-mail address in the catchall domain (the domain from which you want to
redirect the e-mail messages), such as, add an additional domain such as
@company.local to the recipient policy for the user,
and then add a SMTP address of bob@company.local to
the user's e-mail addresses. The address of
bob@company.local can then be used as the e-mail
address to specify in step 3.
SMTPReg.vbs Create a script to register the Catchall event sink. To do this,
follow these steps:
- Type or paste the following code into a text editor, such
as Notepad:
'FILE DESCRIPTION: Script for registering for SMTP Protocol sinks.
'File Name: smtpreg.vbs
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1998. All rights reserved.
Option Explicit
' the OnArrival event GUID
Const GUIDComCatOnArrival = "{ff3caa23-00b9-11d2-9dfb-00C04FA322BA}"
' the SMTP source type
Const GUIDSourceType = "{FB65C4DC-E468-11D1-AA67-00C04FA345F6}"
Const GUIDCat = "{871736c0-fd85-11d0-869a-00c04fd65616}"
Const GUIDSources = "{DBC71A31-1F4B-11d0-869D-80C04FD65616}"
' the SMTP service display name. This is used to key which service to
' edit
Const szService = "smtpsvc"
' the event manager object. This is used to communicate with the
' event binding database.
Dim EventManager
Set EventManager = WScript.CreateObject("Event.Manager")
' register a new sink with event manager
' iInstance - the instance to work against
' szEvent - OnArrival
' szDisplayName - the display name for this new sink
' szProgID - the progid to call for this event
' szRule - the rule to set for this event
public sub RegisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szProgID, szRule)
Dim SourceType
Dim szSourceDisplayName
Dim Source
Dim Binding
Dim GUIDComCat
Dim PrioVal
' figure out which event they are trying to register with and set
' the comcat for this event in GUIDComCat
select case LCase(szEvent)
case "onarrival"
GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
case else
WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
exit sub
end select
' enumerate through each of the registered instances for the SMTP source
' type and look for the display name that matches the instance display
' name
set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
for each Source in SourceType.Sources
if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
' You have found the instance that you want. Now add a new binding
' with the right event GUID. by not specifying a GUID to the
' Add method you get server events to create a new ID for this
' event
set Binding = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat).Add("")
' set the binding properties
Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName
Binding.SinkClass = szProgID
' register a rule with the binding
Binding.SourceProperties.Add "Rule", szRule
' register a priority with the binding
PrioVal = GetNextPrio(Source, GUIDComCat)
If PrioVal < 0 then
WScript.Echo "assigning priority to default value (24575)"
Binding.SourceProperties.Add "Priority", 24575
WScript.Echo "assigning priority (" & PrioVal & " of 32767)"
Binding.SourceProperties.Add "Priority", PrioVal
end if
' save the binding
WScript.Echo "registered " & szDisplayName
exit sub
end if
end sub
' iterate through the bindings in a source, find the binding
' with the lowest priority, and return the next priority value.
' If the next value exceeds the range, return -1.
public function GetNextPrio(oSource, GUIDComCat)
' it's possible that priority values will not be
' numbers, so you add error handling for this case
on error resume next
Dim Bindings
Dim Binding
Dim nLowestPrio
Dim nPrioVal
nLowestPrio = 0
set Bindings = oSource.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
' if the bindings collection is empty, then this is the first
' sink. It receives the highest priority (0).
if Bindings.Count = 0 then
GetNextPrio = 0
' get the lowest existing priority value
for each Binding in Bindings
nPrioVal = Binding.SourceProperties.Item("Priority")
if CInt(nPrioVal) > nLowestPrio then
if err.number = 13 then
nLowestPrio = CInt(nPrioVal)
end if
end if
' assign priority values in increments of 10 so priorities
' can be shuffled later without the need to reorder all
' binding priorities. Valid priority values are 0 - 32767
if nLowestPrio + 10 > 32767 then
GetNextPrio = -1
GetNextPrio = nLowestPrio + 10
end if
end if
end function
' Search for a previously registered sink with the passed in name
' iInstance - the instance to work against
' szEvent - OnArrival
' szDisplayName - the display name of the event to check
' bCheckError - Any errors returned
public sub CheckSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, bCheckError)
Dim SourceType
Dim GUIDComCat
Dim szSourceDisplayName
Dim Source
Dim Bindings
Dim Binding
bCheckError = FALSE
select case LCase(szEvent)
case "onarrival"
GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
case else
WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
exit sub
end select
' find the source for this instance
set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
for each Source in SourceType.Sources
if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
' find the binding by display name. to do this, enumerate
' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
for each Binding in Bindings
if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
' you have found the binding, now log an error
WScript.Echo "Binding with the name " & szDisplayName & " already exists"
exit sub
end if
end if
bCheckError = TRUE
end sub
' unregister a previously registered sink
' iInstance - the instance to work against
' szEvent - OnArrival
' szDisplayName - the display name of the event to remove
public sub UnregisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName)
Dim SourceType
Dim GUIDComCat
Dim szSourceDisplayName
Dim Source
Dim Bindings
Dim Binding
select case LCase(szEvent)
case "onarrival"
GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
case else
WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
exit sub
end select
' find the source for this instance
set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
for each Source in SourceType.Sources
if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
' find the binding by display name. to do this, enumerate
' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
for each Binding in Bindings
if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
' you have found the binding, now remove it
WScript.Echo "removed " & szDisplayName & " " & Binding.ID
end if
end if
end sub
' add or remove a property from the source or sink propertybag for an event
' iInstance - the SMTP instance to edit
' szEvent - the event type (OnArrival)
' szDisplayName - the display name of the event
' szPropertyBag - the property bag to edit ("source" or "sink")
' szOperation - "add" or "remove"
' szPropertyName - the name to edit in the property bag
' szPropertyValue - the value to assign to the name (ignored for remove)
public sub EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szPropertyBag, szOperation, szPropertyName, szPropertyValue)
Dim SourceType
Dim GUIDComCat
Dim szSourceDisplayName
Dim Source
Dim Bindings
Dim Binding
Dim PropertyBag
select case LCase(szEvent)
case "onarrival"
GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
case else
WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
exit sub
end select
' find the source for this instance
set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
for each Source in SourceType.Sources
if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
' find the binding by display name. to do this, enumerate
' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
for each Binding in Bindings
if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
' figure out which set of properties you want to modify
' based on the szPropertyBag parameter
select case LCase(szPropertyBag)
case "source"
set PropertyBag = Binding.SourceProperties
case "sink"
set PropertyBag = Binding.SinkProperties
case else
WScript.echo "invalid propertybag: " & szPropertyBag
exit sub
end select
' figure out what operation you want to perform
select case LCase(szOperation)
case "remove"
' they want to remove szPropertyName from the
' property bag
PropertyBag.Remove szPropertyName
WScript.echo "removed property " & szPropertyName
case "add"
' add szPropertyName to the property bag and
' set its value to szValue. if this value
' already exists then this will change the value
' it to szValue.
PropertyBag.Add szPropertyName, szPropertyValue
WScript.echo "set property " & szPropertyName & " to " & szPropertyValue
case else
WScript.echo "invalid operation: " & szOperation
exit sub
end select
' save the binding
end if
end if
end sub
' this helper function takes an IEventSource object and a event category
' and dumps all of the bindings for this category under the source
' Source - the IEventSource object to display the bindings for
' GUIDComCat - the event category to display the bindings for
public sub DisplaySinksHelper(Source, GUIDComCat)
Dim Binding
Dim propval
' walk each of the registered bindings for this component category
for each Binding in Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
' display the binding properties
WScript.echo " Binding " & Binding.ID & " {"
WScript.echo " DisplayName = " & Binding.DisplayName
WScript.echo " SinkClass = " & Binding.SinkClass
if Binding.Enabled = True then
WScript.echo " Status = Enabled"
WScript.echo " Status = Disabled"
end if
' walk each of the source properties and display them
WScript.echo " SourceProperties {"
for each propval in Binding.SourceProperties
WScript.echo " " & propval & " = " & Binding.SourceProperties.Item(propval)
WScript.echo " }"
' walk each of the sink properties and display them
WScript.echo " SinkProperties {"
for each Propval in Binding.SinkProperties
WScript.echo " " & propval & " = " & Binding.SinkProperties.Item(Propval)
WScript.echo " }"
WScript.echo " }"
end sub
' dumps all of the information in the binding database related to SMTP
public sub DisplaySinks
Dim SourceType
Dim Source
' look for each of the sources registered for the SMTP source type
set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
for each Source in SourceType.Sources
' display the source properties
WScript.echo "Source " & Source.ID & " {"
WScript.echo " DisplayName = " & Source.DisplayName
' display all of the sinks registered for the OnArrival event
WScript.echo " OnArrival Sinks {"
call DisplaySinksHelper(Source, GUIDComCatOnArrival)
WScript.echo " }"
end sub
' enable/disable a registered sink
' iInstance - the instance to work against
' szEvent - OnArrival
' szDisplayName - the display name for this new sink
public sub SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szEnable)
Dim SourceType
Dim GUIDComCat
Dim szSourceDisplayName
Dim Source
Dim Bindings
Dim Binding
select case LCase(szEvent)
case "onarrival"
GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
case else
WScript.echo "invalid event: " + szEvent
exit sub
end select
' find the source for this instance
set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
szSourceDisplayName = szService + " " + iInstance
for each Source in SourceType.Sources
if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
' find the binding by display name. to do this, enumerate
' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
for each Binding in Bindings
if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
' You have found the binding, now enable/disable it
' You do not need "case else' because szEnable's value
' is set internally, not by users
select case LCase(szEnable)
case "true"
Binding.Enabled = True
WScript.Echo "enabled " + szDisplayName + " " + Binding.ID
case "false"
Binding.Enabled = False
WScript.Echo "disabled " + szDisplayName + " " + Binding.ID
end select
end if
end if
end sub
' display usage information for this script
public sub DisplayUsage
WScript.echo "usage: cscript smtpreg.vbs <command> <arguments>"
WScript.echo " commands:"
WScript.echo " /add <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName> <SinkClass> <Rule>"
WScript.echo " /remove <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName>"
WScript.echo " /setprop <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName> <PropertyBag> <PropertyName> "
WScript.echo " <PropertyValue>"
WScript.echo " /delprop <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName> <PropertyBag> <PropertyName>"
WScript.echo " /enable <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName>"
WScript.echo " /disable <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName>"
WScript.echo " /enum"
WScript.echo " arguments:"
WScript.echo " <Instance> is the SMTP instance to work against"
WScript.echo " <Event> can be OnArrival"
WScript.echo " <DisplayName> is the display name of the event to edit"
WScript.echo " <SinkClass> is the sink class for the event"
WScript.echo " <Rule> is the rule to use for the event"
WScript.echo " <PropertyBag> can be Source or Sink"
WScript.echo " <PropertyName> is the name of the property to edit"
WScript.echo " <PropertyValue> is the value to assign to the property"
end sub
Dim iInstance
Dim szEvent
Dim szDisplayName
Dim szSinkClass
Dim szRule
Dim szPropertyBag
Dim szPropertyName
Dim szPropertyValue
dim bCheck
' this is the main body of our script. it reads the command line parameters
' specified and then calls the appropriate function to perform the operation
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
call DisplayUsage
Select Case LCase(WScript.Arguments(0))
Case "/add"
if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 6 then
call DisplayUsage
iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
szSinkClass = WScript.Arguments(4)
szRule = WScript.Arguments(5)
call CheckSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, bCheck)
if bCheck = TRUE then
call RegisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szSinkClass, szRule)
End if
end if
Case "/remove"
if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 4 then
call DisplayUsage
iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
call UnregisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName)
end if
Case "/setprop"
if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 7 then
call DisplayUsage
iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
szPropertyBag = WScript.Arguments(4)
szPropertyName = WScript.Arguments(5)
szPropertyValue = WScript.Arguments(6)
call EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szPropertyBag, "add", szPropertyName, szPropertyValue)
end if
Case "/delprop"
if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 6 then
call DisplayUsage
iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
szPropertyBag = WScript.Arguments(4)
szPropertyName = WScript.Arguments(5)
call EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szPropertyBag, "remove", szPropertyName, "")
end if
Case "/enable"
if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 4 then
call DisplayUsage
iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
call SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, "True")
end if
Case "/disable"
if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 4 then
call DisplayUsage
iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
call SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, "False")
end if
Case "/enum"
if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 then
call DisplayUsage
call DisplaySinks
end if
Case Else
call DisplayUsage
End Select
end if
- Save the file as
Removecatchall.cmd Create a .cmd file to remove (uninstall) the Catchall event sink
if you think that you may want to remove it later. To do this, follow these
- Type or paste the following code into a text editor, such
as Notepad:
cscript smtpreg.vbs /remove 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingCatchAll
- Save this file as
Note If you want to remove the Catchall event sink, you can do so by
running Removecatchall.cmd from a command
Register the catchall event sink- Verify that you have created a valid e-mail account with
which to collect the redirected e-mail messages.
- Run the Catchall.cmd from the directory that contains the
.vbs files that you created.
- Restart the SMTP service in the Exchange System
- Test the event sink by sending an e-mail message to an
e-mail address in the catchall domain that you specified in step 2 of the
"Catchall.vbs" section of this article. The message is delivered to the
recipient mailbox with the address that you specified in step 3 of that same
article section.
REFERENCES For additional information about how to obtain the Exchange
2000 SDK, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Modification Type: | Minor | Last Reviewed: | 5/12/2006 |
Keywords: | kbHOWTOmaster KB324021 |