MySQL is an open-source relational
database management system (RDBMS) that supports the SQL query language. MySQL is available for most UNIX and Windows platforms, and it is typically used in combination with languages such as Perl, Python, and PHP. This article describes how to install MySQL on Windows.
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Obtain MySQL
To obtain MySQL, visit the following MySQL Web site:
There are many packages available that support the MySQL database system; however, you have to install only the main MySQL RDBMS package. If you want additional functionality, such as an interactive MySQL query interface, see the additional packages that are available on the MySQL Web site.
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Install MySQL
To install MySQL:
- Unpack the MySQL distribution package by using WinZip.
- Change to the MySQL distribution folder, and then double-click Setup to start the MySQL Installer program.
- Click Next to continue the installation.
- Read the installation notes, and then click Next.
- Select the installation folder.
The default location is C:\MySQL. To change this location, you must modify the MySQL configuration file (as described in the release notes that are included in the installation package). To change the location, click Browse to select a different installation folder, and then click Next. - Click any of the following installation types, and then click Next:
- Typical: This installation type includes all of the features that you must have to run MySQL.
- Compact: This installation type installs only the minimum features that you must have to run MySQL.
- Custom: If you select this installation type, you can select the features that you want to install.
- If you click Custom, you are prompted to select the features of MySQL that you want to install. After you click the features, click Next.
- After the files are installed, click Finish.
You must build the initial databases that are used to hold the grant and security information before you can start using the MySQL database. For more information about how to build these databases, see the MySQL documentation that is located in the Docs folder of the installation folder.
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For additional information about how to prepare servers for migration from UNIX to Windows , click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
323970 HOW TO: Prepare the Target Servers for a UNIX-to-Windows Migration
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