PRB: Metafiles on Clipboard Are Not Visible to All Applications (323530)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework SDK 1.0
  • Microsoft .NET Framework SDK 1.1
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional
  • the operating system: Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition

This article was previously published under Q323530
This article refers to the following Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library namespaces:
  • System.Drawing.Imaging
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices


Metafiles that .NET applications add to the Clipboard are not visible to other applications.


This problem occurs because the .NET Framework uses a new Clipboard format when it adds metafiles to the Clipboard. Other applications, such as Microsoft Word, or the operating system are not aware of this new format and, therefore, cannot paste or display the image.


To add a metafile to the Clipboard so that it is visible to other applications, you must use the CF_ENHMETAFILE format. Support for this format is provided through the DataObject class with the DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile method. Unfortunately, limitations in the current implementation of the .NET Framework prevent this from being a viable solution. Therefore, you must gain interoperability with Win32 Clipboard application programming interfaces (APIs) to resolve this problem.

The code samples that follow demonstrate how to add a metafile to the Clipboard so that it is visible to other applications.

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Sample

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class ClipboardMetafileHelper
    <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="OpenClipboard", _
       SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
    Public Shared Function OpenClipboard(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr) As Boolean
    End Function
    <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="EmptyClipboard", _
       SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
    Public Shared Function EmptyClipboard() As Boolean
    End Function
    <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="SetClipboardData", _
       SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
    Public Shared Function SetClipboardData(ByVal uFormat As Integer, ByVal hWnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
    End Function
    <DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="CloseClipboard", _
       SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
    Public Shared Function CloseClipboard() As Boolean
    End Function
    <DllImport("gdi32.dll", EntryPoint:="CopyEnhMetaFileA", _
       SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
    Public Shared Function CopyEnhMetaFile(ByVal hemfSrc As IntPtr, ByVal hNULL As IntPtr) As IntPtr
    End Function
    <DllImport("gdi32.dll", EntryPoint:="DeleteEnhMetaFile", _
       SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
    Public Shared Function DeleteEnhMetaFile(ByVal hemfSrc As IntPtr) As Boolean
    End Function

    ' Metafile mf is set to a state that is not valid inside this function.
    Public Shared Function PutEnhMetafileOnClipboard(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal mf As Metafile) As Boolean
        Dim bResult As New Boolean()
        bResult = False
        Dim hEMF, hEMF2 As IntPtr
        hEMF = mf.GetHenhmetafile() ' invalidates mf
        If Not hEMF.Equals(New IntPtr(0)) Then
            hEMF2 = CopyEnhMetaFile(hEMF, New IntPtr(0))
            If Not hEMF2.Equals(New IntPtr(0)) Then
                If OpenClipboard(hWnd) Then
                    If EmptyClipboard() Then
                        Dim hRes As IntPtr
                        hRes = SetClipboardData(14, hEMF2)    ' 14 == CF_ENHMETAFILE
                        bResult = hRes.Equals(hEMF2)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Return bResult
    End Function

End Class

'You can call this function with code that is similar to the following code:
        Dim mf As New Metafile("filename.emf")

Microsoft Visual C# .NET Sample

using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class ClipboardMetafileHelper
	static extern bool OpenClipboard(IntPtr hWndNewOwner);
	static extern bool EmptyClipboard();
	static extern IntPtr SetClipboardData(uint uFormat, IntPtr hMem);
	static extern bool CloseClipboard();
	static extern IntPtr CopyEnhMetaFile(IntPtr hemfSrc, IntPtr hNULL);
	static extern bool DeleteEnhMetaFile(IntPtr hemf);
	// Metafile mf is set to a state that is not valid inside this function.
	static public bool PutEnhMetafileOnClipboard( IntPtr hWnd, Metafile mf )
		bool bResult = false;
		IntPtr hEMF, hEMF2;
		hEMF = mf.GetHenhmetafile(); // invalidates mf
		if( ! hEMF.Equals( new IntPtr(0) ) )
			hEMF2 = CopyEnhMetaFile( hEMF, new IntPtr(0) );
			if( ! hEMF2.Equals( new IntPtr(0) ) )
				if( OpenClipboard( hWnd ) )
					if( EmptyClipboard() )
						IntPtr hRes = SetClipboardData( 14 /*CF_ENHMETAFILE*/, hEMF2 );
						bResult = hRes.Equals( hEMF2 );
			DeleteEnhMetaFile( hEMF );
		return bResult;

//You can call this function with code that is similar to the following code:
Metafile mf = new Metafile( "filename.emf" );
ClipboardMetafileHelper.PutEnhMetafileOnClipboard(this.Handle, mf );

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:5/8/2006
Keywords:kbDSWGDI2003Swept kbprb KB323530 kbAudDeveloper