An inert Nimda virus has been detected in one of the Help files that is included in the Korean language version of Microsoft Application Center Test (ACT). Installing or using the Korean version of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET does not cause an infection. The risk of infection is extremely low.
The ACT Help files are a component of the Korean language versions of the Visual Studio .NET developer tool, which includes the following editions:
- Visual Studio .NET Professional
- Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect
- Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer
The ACT Help files are also a component of Standard editions of all Microsoft developer tools, including Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++ .NET, and Visual C# .NET.
In all analyzed scenarios, Microsoft considers the chance of activating the virus to be extremely low. Detailed information about the exact location and the required steps to activate this virus are not being disclosed to protect customers from the potential actions of any malicious parties.
Customers should be advised that the virus that is contained in the file cannot be activated through standard or heavy use of Application Center Test or Visual Studio .NET. Additionally, the virus that is contained in the file cannot be distributed when you deploy projects.
Microsoft has released an update that removes the infected files from an existing installation of Visual Studio .NET. Microsoft strongly recommends that you apply the update immediately.
For the English-language instructions about how to download and install the Korean version of the Visual Studio .NET update, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For the Korean-language instructions about how to download and install the Korean version of the Visual Studio .NET update, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Release Date: June 13, 2002
For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help to prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.
To determine if the update has been installed, verify that Q323302 appears in the
About dialog box of your .NET product. (To access the
About dialog box, click
About ProductName on the
Help menu.)
How to Order Replacement Media
Microsoft will automatically ship new media to volume licensing customers and Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) customers of the Korean language version of Visual Studio .NET. Customers who purchased the Korean language version of Visual Studio .NET as a full, packaged product in the retail channels can obtain replacement media by calling (82) (2) 537-1721 in Korea.
NOTE: Replacement media is not available for the Korean language version of Visual Studio .NET Professional 60-day Trial Edition. Users of the Trial Edition must apply the available update.
Installation Scenarios
If you select
Local Path during Setup, the Help documentation is copied to the hard disk. When you apply the update, the infected document file is replaced. No more action is required; however, Microsoft recommends that you obtain replacement disks so that you do not have to reapply the patch with future installations. Destroy the infected CD or DVD after you receive the replacement media.
If you select
Run from Source during Setup, the Help documentation remains on the CD or the DVD. The update does not replace the infected file because this file resides on the original CD or DVD. Obtain replacement disks as soon as possible, consider changing the installation type to include the Help documentation on the hard disk, and then apply the update.