When you try to join an online Microsoft Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server conference, you may receive the following error message on the Web page:
CTP Join Request Failed
The Conference Management Service denied your request because the conference technology provider did not allow the conference join.
Please try the following:
Contact your system administrator.
Error #80041012: Error passed down: (OK, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server
This error message is also logged in the Conference Management Service (CMS) audit logs. The audit logs are comma-delimited text files. By default, the audit logs are created in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Exchange Conferencing Server\
server_name.ecs folder. Because this folder is shared, you can also use the UNC path \\
server_name.ecs to gain access to the log files. The following entry may be logged in the audit log:
2508,Client connection failed,Early connection - all CTPs failed,2002-05-20,18:58:51 GMT,CM,BAAAAIIA4AB0xbcQGoLgCAAAAAAA1g+43//BAQAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAG+2R5VspoxJutSu2/9Fy3s=,SERVERNAME,Meeting Subject,HTTP://SERVERNAME/conferencing,/o=ORG/ou=SITE/cn=CONTAINER/cn=OBJECT,CLIENT IP,Conference Organizer's EMAIL,1,0,0,,2002-05-20,18:40:00 GMT,2002-05-20,22:00:00 GMT
To resolve this problem, obtain Microsoft Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server Service Pack 3 or later. To obtain a particular service pack for Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server, contact Microsoft Product Support Services. For additional information about the support options available from Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site: